CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A)  
CMSIS-Core support for Cortex-A processor-based devices
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GICDistributor_Type Struct Reference

Structure type to access the Generic Interrupt Controller Distributor (GICD) More...

#include <core_ca.h>

Data Fields

__IOM uint32_t CTLR
 Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Distributor Control Register.
__IM uint32_t TYPER
 Offset: 0x004 (R/ ) Interrupt Controller Type Register.
__IM uint32_t IIDR
 Offset: 0x008 (R/ ) Distributor Implementer Identification Register.
__IOM uint32_t STATUSR
 Offset: 0x010 (R/W) Error Reporting Status Register, optional.
__OM uint32_t SETSPI_NSR
 Offset: 0x040 ( /W) Set SPI Register.
__OM uint32_t CLRSPI_NSR
 Offset: 0x048 ( /W) Clear SPI Register.
__OM uint32_t SETSPI_SR
 Offset: 0x050 ( /W) Set SPI, Secure Register.
__OM uint32_t CLRSPI_SR
 Offset: 0x058 ( /W) Clear SPI, Secure Register.
__IOM uint32_t IGROUPR [32]
 Offset: 0x080 (R/W) Interrupt Group Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ISENABLER [32]
 Offset: 0x100 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Enable Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ICENABLER [32]
 Offset: 0x180 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ISPENDR [32]
 Offset: 0x200 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Pending Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ICPENDR [32]
 Offset: 0x280 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ISACTIVER [32]
 Offset: 0x300 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Active Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ICACTIVER [32]
 Offset: 0x380 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Active Registers.
__IOM uint32_t IPRIORITYR [255]
 Offset: 0x400 (R/W) Interrupt Priority Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ITARGETSR [255]
 Offset: 0x800 (R/W) Interrupt Targets Registers.
__IOM uint32_t ICFGR [64]
 Offset: 0xC00 (R/W) Interrupt Configuration Registers.
__IOM uint32_t IGRPMODR [32]
 Offset: 0xD00 (R/W) Interrupt Group Modifier Registers.
__IOM uint32_t NSACR [64]
 Offset: 0xE00 (R/W) Non-secure Access Control Registers.
__OM uint32_t SGIR
 Offset: 0xF00 ( /W) Software Generated Interrupt Register.
__IOM uint32_t CPENDSGIR [4]
 Offset: 0xF10 (R/W) SGI Clear-Pending Registers.
__IOM uint32_t SPENDSGIR [4]
 Offset: 0xF20 (R/W) SGI Set-Pending Registers.
__IOM uint64_t IROUTER [988]
 Offset: 0x6100(R/W) Interrupt Routing Registers.


Structure type to access the Generic Interrupt Controller Distributor (GICD)

Field Documentation


__IO uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::CLRSPI_NSR

Offset: 0x048 ( /W) Clear SPI Register.

Clear Non-secure SPI Pending Register

Bits Name Function
[31:10] - Reserved.
[9:0] INTID The interrupt number to clear pending state from.


__IO uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::CLRSPI_SR

Offset: 0x058 ( /W) Clear SPI, Secure Register.

Clear Secure SPI Pending Register

Bits Name Function
[31:10] - Reserved.
[9:0] INTID The interrupt number to clear pending state from.


__IOM uint8_t GICDistributor_Type::CPENDSGIR[16]

Offset: 0xF10 (R/W) SGI Clear-Pending Registers.

SGI Clear-Pending Registers Each register corresponds to one software generated interrupt (SGI).

Reading from this register reveals

  • 0 - interrupt is not pending
  • 1 - interrupt is pending

Writing to this register causes

  • 0 - no effect
  • 1 - removes the pending state


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::CTLR

Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Distributor Control Register.

Distributor Control Register

When access is Secure, in a system that supports two Security states:

Bits Name Function
[31] RWP Indicates whether a register write is in progress or not.
[30:8] - Reserved.
[7] EINWF Enable 1 of N Wakeup Functionality, if available.
[6] DS Disable Security.
[5] ARE_NS Affinity Routing Enable, Non-secure state.
[4] ARE_S Affinity Routing Enable, Secure state.
[3] - Reserved.
[2] EnableGrp1S Enable Secure Group 1 interrupts.
[1] EnableGrp1NS Enable Non-secure Group 1 interrupts.
[0] EnableGrp0 Enable Group 0 interrupts.

When access is Non-secure, in a system that supports two Security states:

Bits Name Function
[31] RWP Indicates whether a register write is in progress or not.
[30:5] - Reserved.
[4] ARE_NS Affinity Routing Enable, Non-secure state.
[3:2] - Reserved.
[1] EnableGrp1A Enable Non-secure Group 1 interrupts.
[0] EnableGrp1 Enable Non-secure Group 1 interrupts.

When in a system that supports only a single Security state:

Bits Name Function
[31] RWP Indicates whether a register write is in progress or not.
[30:8] - Reserved.
[7] EINWF Enable 1 of N Wakeup Functionality, if available.
[6] DS Disable Security.
[5] - Reserved.
[4] ARE Affinity Routing Enable.
[3:2] - Reserved.
[1] EnableGrp1 Enable Group 1 interrupts.
[0] EnableGrp0 Enable Group 0 interrupts.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ICACTIVER[32]

Offset: 0x380 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Active Registers.

Interrupt Clear-Active Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ICENABLER[32]

Offset: 0x180 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers.

Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ICFGR[64]

Offset: 0xC00 (R/W) Interrupt Configuration Registers.

Interrupt Configuration Registers

Each interrupt can be configured by two corresponding bits:

Bits Name Function
[2*INTID%16+1] Edge Interrupt is: 0 - level sensitive, 1 - edge triggered
[2*INTID%16] Model 0 - N-N Model, 1 - 1-N Model; RAZ/WI when unsupported


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ICPENDR[32]

Offset: 0x280 (R/W) Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers.

Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::IGROUPR[32]

Offset: 0x080 (R/W) Interrupt Group Registers.

Interrupt Group Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32

And the value denotes:

  • 0 When CTLR.DS==1, the corresponding interrupt is Group 0
    When CTLR.DS==0, the corresponding interrupt is Secure.
  • 1 When CTLR.DS==1, the corresponding interrupt is Group 1.
    When CTLR.DS==0, the corresponding interrupt is Non-secure Group 1.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::IGRPMODR[32]

Offset: 0xD00 (R/W) Interrupt Group Modifier Registers.

Interrupt Group Modifier Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32


__IM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::IIDR

Offset: 0x008 (R/ ) Distributor Implementer Identification Register.

Distributor Implementer Identification Register

Bits Name Function
[31:24] ProductID An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED product identifier
[23:20] - Reserved.
[19:16] Variant An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED variant number.
[15:12] Revision An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED revision number.
[11:0] Implementer Contains the JEP106 code of the company implemented the GICD.


__IOM uint8_t GICDistributor_Type::IPRIORITYR[1020]

Offset: 0x400 (R/W) Interrupt Priority Registers.

Interrupt Priority Registers

A GIC might implement fewer than eight priority bits, but must implement at least bits [7:4] of each field. In each field, unimplemented bits are RAZ/WI.

A register field corresponding to an unimplemented interrupt is RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint64_t GICDistributor_Type::IROUTER[988]

Offset: 0x6100(R/W) Interrupt Routing Registers.

Interrupt Routing Registers

Bits Name Function
[63:40] - Reserved.
[39:32] Aff3 Affinity level 3, the least significant affinity level field.
[31] IRM Interrupt Routing Mode. Defines how SPIs are routed in an affinity hierarchy.
[30:24] - Reserved.
[23:16] Aff2 Affinity level 2, an intermediate affinity level field.
[15:8] Aff1 Affinity level 1, an intermediate affinity level field.
[7:0] Aff0 Affinity level 0, the most significant affinity level field.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ISACTIVER[32]

Offset: 0x300 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Active Registers.

Interrupt Set-Active Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ISENABLER[32]

Offset: 0x100 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Enable Registers.

Interrupt Set-Enable Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::ISPENDR[32]

Offset: 0x200 (R/W) Interrupt Set-Pending Registers.

Interrupt Set-Pending Registers

Each bit corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/32
  • Bit number is given by INTID%32
Bits corresponding to unimplemented interrupts are RAZ/WI.


__IOM uint8_t GICDistributor_Type::ITARGETSR[1020]

Offset: 0x800 (R/W) Interrupt Targets Registers.

Interrupt Processor Targets Registers

Each bit in the target field corresponds to one CPU interface. A CPU targets field bit that corresponds to an unimplemented CPU interface is RAZ/WI.

CPU target field value Interrupt targets
0bxxxxxxx1 CPU interface 0
0bxxxxxx1x CPU interface 1
0bxxxxx1xx CPU interface 2
0bxxxx1xxx CPU interface 3
0bxxx1xxxx CPU interface 4
0bxx1xxxxx CPU interface 5
0bx1xxxxxx CPU interface 6
0b1xxxxxxx CPU interface 7


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::NSACR[64]

Offset: 0xE00 (R/W) Non-secure Access Control Registers.

Non-secure Access Control Registers

Each two bits corresponds to one interrupt:

  • Register index is given by INTID/16
  • Bit number is given by 2*INTID%16

The possible values of each 2-bit field are:

  • 00 - Non-secure accesses to all fields associated with the corresponding interrupt are permitted.
  • 01 - Non-secure accesses are only permitted to requesting fields.
  • 10 - As 01, additionally accesses to clearing field are permitted.
  • 11 - As 10, additionally accesses to target and routing fields are permitted.


__IO uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::SETSPI_NSR

Offset: 0x040 ( /W) Set SPI Register.

Set Non-secure SPI Pending Register

Bits Name Function
[31:10] - Reserved.
[9:0] INTID The interrupt number to set pending state for.


__IO uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::SETSPI_SR

Offset: 0x050 ( /W) Set SPI, Secure Register.

Set Secure SPI Pending Register

Bits Name Function
[31:10] - Reserved.
[9:0] INTID The interrupt number to set pending state for.


__OM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::SGIR

Offset: 0xF00 ( /W) Software Generated Interrupt Register.

Software Generated Interrupt Register

Bits Name Function
[31:26] - Reserved.
[25:24] TargetFilterList Determines how the Distributor processes the requested SGI.
[23:16] CPUTargetList When TargetListFilter is 00, this field defines the CPU interfaces to which the Distributor must forward the interrupt.
[15] NSATT Specifies the required group of the SGI.
[14:4] - Reserved.
[3:0] INTID The INTID of the SGI to forward to the specified CPU interfaces.

Refer to ITARGETSR for details on TargetFilterList field.


__IOM uint8_t GICDistributor_Type::SPENDSGIR[16]

Offset: 0xF20 (R/W) SGI Set-Pending Registers.

SGI Set-Pending Registers Each register corresponds to one software generated interrupt (SGI).

Reading from this register reveals

  • 0 - interrupt is not pending
  • 1 - interrupt is pending

Writing to this register causes

  • 0 - no effect
  • 1 - adds the pending state


__IOM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::STATUSR

Offset: 0x010 (R/W) Error Reporting Status Register, optional.

Error Reporting Status Register

Bits Name Function
[31:4] - Reserved.
[3] WROD Write to an RO location.
[2] RWOD Read of a WO location.
[1] WRD Write to a reserved location.
[0] RRD Read of a reserved location.


__IM uint32_t GICDistributor_Type::TYPER

Offset: 0x004 (R/ ) Interrupt Controller Type Register.

Interrupt Controller Type Register

Bits Name Function
[31:16] - Reserved.
[15:11] LSPI Maximum number of lockable shared interrupts.
[10] SecurityExtn Security Extensions: 0 - not implemented. 1 - implemented.
[9:8] - Reserved.
[7:5] CPUNumber Number of implemented CPU interfaces [=CPUNumber+1]
[4:0] ITLinesNumber Maximum number of interrups supported [=32*(ITLinesNumber+1)].