CMSIS-Driver   Version 2.9.0
Peripheral Interface for Middleware and Application Code
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USART Interface

Driver API for Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (Driver_USART.h) More...


 USART Status Error Codes
 Negative values indicate errors (USART has specific codes in addition to common Status Error Codes).
 USART Events
 The USART driver generates call back events that are notified via the function ARM_USART_SignalEvent.
 USART Control Codes
 Many parameters of the USART driver are configured using the ARM_USART_Control function.

Data Structures

 Access structure of the USART Driver. More...
 USART Device Driver Capabilities. More...
 USART Status. More...
 USART Modem Status. More...


typedef void(* ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t) (uint32_t event)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_SignalEvent : Signal USART Event.


 USART Modem Control. More...


 Get driver version.
 Get driver capabilities.
int32_t ARM_USART_Initialize (ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t cb_event)
 Initialize USART Interface.
int32_t ARM_USART_Uninitialize (void)
 De-initialize USART Interface.
int32_t ARM_USART_PowerControl (ARM_POWER_STATE state)
 Control USART Interface Power.
int32_t ARM_USART_Send (const void *data, uint32_t num)
 Start sending data to USART transmitter.
int32_t ARM_USART_Receive (void *data, uint32_t num)
 Start receiving data from USART receiver.
int32_t ARM_USART_Transfer (const void *data_out, void *data_in, uint32_t num)
 Start sending/receiving data to/from USART transmitter/receiver.
uint32_t ARM_USART_GetTxCount (void)
 Get transmitted data count.
uint32_t ARM_USART_GetRxCount (void)
 Get received data count.
int32_t ARM_USART_Control (uint32_t control, uint32_t arg)
 Control USART Interface.
 Get USART status.
int32_t ARM_USART_SetModemControl (ARM_USART_MODEM_CONTROL control)
 Set USART Modem Control line state.
 Get USART Modem Status lines state.
void ARM_USART_SignalEvent (uint32_t event)
 Signal USART Events.


Driver API for Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (Driver_USART.h)

The Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) implements a synchronous and asynchronous serial bus for exchanging data. When only asynchronous mode is supported it is called Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART).
Almost all microcontrollers have a serial interface (UART/USART peripheral). A UART is a simple device to send data to a PC via a terminal emulation program (Hyperterm, TeraTerm) or to another microcontroller. A UART takes bytes of data and transmits the individual bits in a sequential mode. At the destination, a second UART reassembles the bits into complete bytes. Each UART contains a shift register for converting between serial and parallel transmission forms. Wikipedia offers more information about
the Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter.


The following header files define the Application Programming Interface (API) for the USART interface:

The driver implementation is a typical part of the Device Family Pack (DFP) that supports the peripherals of the microcontroller family.

Driver Functions

The driver functions are published in the access struct as explained in Common Driver Functions

Example Code

The following example code shows the usage of the USART interface for asynchronous communication.

#include "Driver_USART.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h" /* ARM::CMSIS:RTOS:Keil RTX */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void myUART_Thread(void const *argument);
osThreadId tid_myUART_Thread;
/* USART Driver */
void myUSART_callback(uint32_t event)
uint32_t mask;
if (event & mask) {
/* Success: Wakeup Thread */
osSignalSet(tid_myUART_Thread, 0x01);
__breakpoint(0); /* Error: Call debugger or replace with custom error handling */
__breakpoint(0); /* Error: Call debugger or replace with custom error handling */
/* CMSIS-RTOS Thread - UART command thread */
void myUART_Thread(const void* args)
static ARM_DRIVER_USART * USARTdrv = &Driver_USART3;
ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES drv_capabilities;
char cmd;
#ifdef DEBUG
version = USARTdrv->GetVersion();
if (version.api < 0x200) /* requires at minimum API version 2.00 or higher */
{ /* error handling */
drv_capabilities = USARTdrv->GetCapabilities();
if (drv_capabilities.event_tx_complete == 0)
{ /* error handling */
/*Initialize the USART driver */
/*Power up the USART peripheral */
/*Configure the USART to 4800 Bits/sec */
/* Enable Receiver and Transmitter lines */
USARTdrv->Send("\nPress Enter to receive a message", 34);
osSignalWait(0x01, osWaitForever);
while (1)
USARTdrv->Receive(&cmd, 1); /* Get byte from UART */
osSignalWait(0x01, osWaitForever);
if (cmd == 13) /* CR, send greeting */
USARTdrv->Send("\nHello World!", 12);
osSignalWait(0x01, osWaitForever);
Power on: full operation at maximum performance.
Definition: Driver_Common.h:66
Transfer completed.
Receive completed.
Transmit completed (optional)
Receive data overflow.
Receive character timeout (optional)
Send completed; however USART may still transmit data.
Transmit data not available (Synchronous Slave)
uint16_t api
API version.
Definition: Driver_Common.h:47
Driver Version.
Definition: Driver_Common.h:46
8 Data bits (default)
No Flow Control (default)
uint32_t event_tx_complete
Transmit completed event: ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:304
int32_t(* PowerControl)(ARM_POWER_STATE state)
Pointer to ARM_USART_PowerControl : Control USART Interface Power.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:328
ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion)(void)
Pointer to ARM_USART_GetVersion : Get driver version.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:324
int32_t(* Control)(uint32_t control, uint32_t arg)
Pointer to ARM_USART_Control : Control USART Interface.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:336
int32_t(* Send)(const void *data, uint32_t num)
Pointer to ARM_USART_Send : Start sending data to USART transmitter.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:329
int32_t(* Receive)(void *data, uint32_t num)
Pointer to ARM_USART_Receive : Start receiving data from USART receiver.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:330
int32_t(* Initialize)(ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t cb_event)
Pointer to ARM_USART_Initialize : Initialize USART Interface.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:326
ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES(* GetCapabilities)(void)
Pointer to ARM_USART_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:325
Access structure of the USART Driver.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:323
USART Device Driver Capabilities.
Definition: Driver_USART.h:294
Receiver; arg: 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
Transmitter; arg: 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
UART (Asynchronous); arg = Baudrate.
No Parity (default)
1 Stop bit (default)

Data Structure Documentation



Access structure of the USART Driver.

The functions of the USART driver are accessed by function pointers exposed by this structure. Refer to Common Driver Functions for overview information.

Each instance of an USART interface provides such an access structure. The instance is identified by a postfix number in the symbol name of the access structure, for example:

  • Driver_USART0 is the name of the access struct of the first instance (no. 0).
  • Driver_USART1 is the name of the access struct of the second instance (no. 1).

A middleware configuration setting allows connecting the middleware to a specific driver instance Driver_USARTn. The default is 0, which connects a middleware to the first instance of a driver.

Data Fields

ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetVersion : Get driver version.
ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES(* GetCapabilities )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.
int32_t(* Initialize )(ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t cb_event)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Initialize : Initialize USART Interface.
int32_t(* Uninitialize )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Uninitialize : De-initialize USART Interface.
int32_t(* PowerControl )(ARM_POWER_STATE state)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_PowerControl : Control USART Interface Power.
int32_t(* Send )(const void *data, uint32_t num)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Send : Start sending data to USART transmitter.
int32_t(* Receive )(void *data, uint32_t num)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Receive : Start receiving data from USART receiver.
int32_t(* Transfer )(const void *data_out, void *data_in, uint32_t num)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Transfer : Start sending/receiving data to/from USART.
uint32_t(* GetTxCount )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetTxCount : Get transmitted data count.
uint32_t(* GetRxCount )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetRxCount : Get received data count.
int32_t(* Control )(uint32_t control, uint32_t arg)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_Control : Control USART Interface.
ARM_USART_STATUS(* GetStatus )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetStatus : Get USART status.
int32_t(* SetModemControl )(ARM_USART_MODEM_CONTROL control)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_SetModemControl : Set USART Modem Control line state.
ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS(* GetModemStatus )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_USART_GetModemStatus : Get USART Modem Status lines state.

Field Documentation

◆ GetVersion

ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetVersion : Get driver version.

◆ GetCapabilities

ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES(* GetCapabilities) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.

◆ Initialize

int32_t(* Initialize) (ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t cb_event)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Initialize : Initialize USART Interface.

◆ Uninitialize

int32_t(* Uninitialize) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Uninitialize : De-initialize USART Interface.

◆ PowerControl

int32_t(* PowerControl) (ARM_POWER_STATE state)

Pointer to ARM_USART_PowerControl : Control USART Interface Power.

◆ Send

int32_t(* Send) (const void *data, uint32_t num)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Send : Start sending data to USART transmitter.

◆ Receive

int32_t(* Receive) (void *data, uint32_t num)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Receive : Start receiving data from USART receiver.

◆ Transfer

int32_t(* Transfer) (const void *data_out, void *data_in, uint32_t num)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Transfer : Start sending/receiving data to/from USART.

◆ GetTxCount

uint32_t(* GetTxCount) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetTxCount : Get transmitted data count.

◆ GetRxCount

uint32_t(* GetRxCount) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetRxCount : Get received data count.

◆ Control

int32_t(* Control) (uint32_t control, uint32_t arg)

Pointer to ARM_USART_Control : Control USART Interface.

◆ GetStatus

ARM_USART_STATUS(* GetStatus) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetStatus : Get USART status.

◆ SetModemControl

int32_t(* SetModemControl) (ARM_USART_MODEM_CONTROL control)

Pointer to ARM_USART_SetModemControl : Set USART Modem Control line state.

◆ GetModemStatus

ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS(* GetModemStatus) (void)

Pointer to ARM_USART_GetModemStatus : Get USART Modem Status lines state.



USART Device Driver Capabilities.

An USART driver can be implemented with different capabilities. The data fields of this structure encode the capabilities implemented by this driver.

Returned by:

Data Fields
uint32_t asynchronous: 1 supports UART (Asynchronous) mode
uint32_t synchronous_master: 1 supports Synchronous Master mode
uint32_t synchronous_slave: 1 supports Synchronous Slave mode
uint32_t single_wire: 1 supports UART Single-wire mode
uint32_t irda: 1 supports UART IrDA mode
uint32_t smart_card: 1 supports UART Smart Card mode
uint32_t smart_card_clock: 1 Smart Card Clock generator available.
uint32_t flow_control_rts: 1 RTS Flow Control available.
uint32_t flow_control_cts: 1 CTS Flow Control available.
uint32_t event_tx_complete: 1 Transmit completed event: ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE.
uint32_t event_rx_timeout: 1 Signal receive character timeout event: ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT.
uint32_t rts: 1 RTS Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t cts: 1 CTS Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t dtr: 1 DTR Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t dsr: 1 DSR Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t dcd: 1 DCD Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t ri: 1 RI Line: 0=not available, 1=available.
uint32_t event_cts: 1 Signal CTS change event: ARM_USART_EVENT_CTS.
uint32_t event_dsr: 1 Signal DSR change event: ARM_USART_EVENT_DSR.
uint32_t event_dcd: 1 Signal DCD change event: ARM_USART_EVENT_DCD.
uint32_t event_ri: 1 Signal RI change event: ARM_USART_EVENT_RI.
uint32_t reserved: 11 Reserved (must be zero)



USART Status.

Structure with information about the status of the USART. The data fields encode busy flags and error flags.

Returned by:

Data Fields
uint32_t tx_busy: 1 Transmitter busy flag.
uint32_t rx_busy: 1 Receiver busy flag.
uint32_t tx_underflow: 1 Transmit data underflow detected (cleared on start of next send operation)
uint32_t rx_overflow: 1 Receive data overflow detected (cleared on start of next receive operation)
uint32_t rx_break: 1 Break detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
uint32_t rx_framing_error: 1 Framing error detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
uint32_t rx_parity_error: 1 Parity error detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
uint32_t reserved: 25



USART Modem Status.

Structure with information about the status of modem lines. The data fields encode states of modem status lines.

Returned by:

Data Fields
uint32_t cts: 1 CTS state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive.
uint32_t dsr: 1 DSR state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive.
uint32_t dcd: 1 DCD state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive.
uint32_t ri: 1 RI state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive.
uint32_t reserved: 28

Typedef Documentation

◆ ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t


Pointer to ARM_USART_SignalEvent : Signal USART Event.

Provides the typedef for the callback function ARM_USART_SignalEvent.

Parameter for:

Enumeration Type Documentation


USART Modem Control.

Specifies values for controlling the modem control lines.

Parameter for:


Deactivate RTS.


Activate RTS.


Deactivate DTR.


Activate DTR.

Function Documentation

◆ ARM_USART_GetVersion()


Get driver version.


The function ARM_USART_GetVersion returns version information of the driver implementation in ARM_DRIVER_VERSION

  • API version is the version of the CMSIS-Driver specification used to implement this driver.
  • Driver version is source code version of the actual driver implementation.


void setup_usart (void) {
drv_info = &Driver_USART0;
version = drv_info->GetVersion ();
if (version.api < 0x10A) { // requires at minimum API version 1.10 or higher
// error handling

◆ ARM_USART_GetCapabilities()


Get driver capabilities.


The function ARM_USART_GetCapabilities returns information about capabilities in this driver implementation. The data fields of the structure ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES encode various capabilities, for example: supported modes, if hardware and driver are capable of signaling events using the ARM_USART_SignalEvent callback function ...


void read_capabilities (void) {
ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES drv_capabilities;
drv_info = &Driver_USART0;
drv_capabilities = drv_info->GetCapabilities ();
// interrogate capabilities

◆ ARM_USART_Initialize()

int32_t ARM_USART_Initialize ( ARM_USART_SignalEvent_t  cb_event)

Initialize USART Interface.

[in]cb_eventPointer to ARM_USART_SignalEvent
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_USART_Initialize initializes the USART interface. It is called when the middleware component starts operation.

The function performs the following operations:

  • Initializes the resources needed for the USART interface.
  • Registers the ARM_USART_SignalEvent callback function.

The parameter cb_event is a pointer to the ARM_USART_SignalEvent callback function; use a NULL pointer when no callback signals are required.


◆ ARM_USART_Uninitialize()

int32_t ARM_USART_Uninitialize ( void  )

De-initialize USART Interface.

Status Error Codes

The function ARM_USART_Uninitialize de-initializes the resources of USART interface.

It is called when the middleware component stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface.

◆ ARM_USART_PowerControl()

int32_t ARM_USART_PowerControl ( ARM_POWER_STATE  state)

Control USART Interface Power.

[in]statePower state
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_USART_PowerControl operates the power modes of the USART interface.

The parameter state sets the operation and can have the following values:

  • ARM_POWER_FULL : set-up peripheral for data transfers, enable interrupts (NVIC) and optionally DMA. Can be called multiple times. If the peripheral is already in this mode the function performs no operation and returns with ARM_DRIVER_OK.
  • ARM_POWER_LOW : may use power saving. Returns ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED when not implemented.
  • ARM_POWER_OFF : terminates any pending data transfers, disables peripheral, disables related interrupts and DMA.

Refer to Function Call Sequence for more information.

◆ ARM_USART_Send()

int32_t ARM_USART_Send ( const void *  data,
uint32_t  num 

Start sending data to USART transmitter.

[in]dataPointer to buffer with data to send to USART transmitter
[in]numNumber of data items to send
Status Error Codes

This functions ARM_USART_Send is used in asynchronous mode to send data to the USART transmitter. It can also be used in synchronous mode when sending data only (received data is ignored).

Transmitter needs to be enabled by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX as the control parameter and 1 as argument.

The function parameters specify the buffer with data and the number of items to send. The item size is defined by the data type which depends on the configured number of data bits.

Data type is:

  • uint8_t when configured for 5..8 data bits
  • uint16_t when configured for 9 data bits

Calling the function ARM_USART_Send only starts the send operation. The function is non-blocking and returns as soon as the driver has started the operation (driver typically configures DMA or the interrupt system for continuous transfer). When in synchronous slave mode the operation is only registered and started when the master starts the transfer. During the operation it is not allowed to call this function again or any other data transfer function when in synchronous mode. Also the data buffer must stay allocated and the contents of unsent data must not be modified. When send operation is completed (requested number of items sent) the ARM_USART_EVENT_SEND_COMPLETE event is generated. Progress of send operation can also be monitored by reading the number of items already sent by calling ARM_USART_GetTxCount.

After send operation has completed there might still be some data left in the driver's hardware buffer which is still being transmitted. When all data has been physically transmitted the ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE event is generated (if supported and reported by event_tx_complete in ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES). At that point also the tx_busy data field in ARM_USART_STATUS is cleared.

Status of the transmitter can be monitored by calling the ARM_USART_GetStatus and checking the tx_busy flag which indicates if transmission is still in progress.

When in synchronous slave mode and transmitter is enabled but send/receive/transfer operation is not started and data is requested by the master then the ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_UNDERFLOW event is generated.

Send operation can be aborted by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_ABORT_SEND as the control parameter.

◆ ARM_USART_Receive()

int32_t ARM_USART_Receive ( void *  data,
uint32_t  num 

Start receiving data from USART receiver.

[out]dataPointer to buffer for data to receive from USART receiver
[in]numNumber of data items to receive
Status Error Codes

This functions ARM_USART_Receive is used in asynchronous mode to receive data from the USART receiver. It can also be used in synchronous mode when receiving data only (transmits the default value as specified by ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_SET_DEFAULT_TX_VALUE as control parameter).

Receiver needs to be enabled by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX as the control parameter and 1 as argument.

The function parameters specify the buffer for data and the number of items to receive. The item size is defined by the data type which depends on the configured number of data bits.

Data type is:

  • uint8_t when configured for 5..8 data bits
  • uint16_t when configured for 9 data bits

Calling the function ARM_USART_Receive only starts the receive operation. The function is non-blocking and returns as soon as the driver has started the operation (driver typically configures DMA or the interrupt system for continuous transfer). When in synchronous slave mode the operation is only registered and started when the master starts the transfer. During the operation it is not allowed to call this function again or any other data transfer function when in synchronous mode. Also the data buffer must stay allocated. When receive operation is completed (requested number of items received) the ARM_USART_EVENT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE event is generated. Progress of receive operation can also be monitored by reading the number of items already received by calling ARM_USART_GetRxCount.

Status of the receiver can be monitored by calling the ARM_USART_GetStatus and checking the rx_busy flag which indicates if reception is still in progress.

During reception the following events can be generated (in asynchronous mode):

ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_OVERFLOW event is also generated when receiver is enabled but data is lost because receive operation in asynchronous mode or receive/send/transfer operation in synchronous slave mode has not been started.

Receive operation can be aborted by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_ABORT_RECEIVE as the control parameter.

◆ ARM_USART_Transfer()

int32_t ARM_USART_Transfer ( const void *  data_out,
void *  data_in,
uint32_t  num 

Start sending/receiving data to/from USART transmitter/receiver.

[in]data_outPointer to buffer with data to send to USART transmitter
[out]data_inPointer to buffer for data to receive from USART receiver
[in]numNumber of data items to transfer
Status Error Codes

This functions ARM_USART_Transfer is used in synchronous mode to transfer data via USART. It synchronously sends data to the USART transmitter and receives data from the USART receiver.

Transmitter needs to be enabled by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX as the control parameter and 1 as argument. Receiver needs to be enabled by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX as the control parameter and 1 as argument.

The function parameters specify the buffer with data to send, the buffer for data to receive and the number of items to transfer. The item size is defined by the data type which depends on the configured number of data bits.

Data type is:

  • uint8_t when configured for 5..8 data bits
  • uint16_t when configured for 9 data bits

Calling the function ARM_USART_Transfer only starts the transfer operation. The function is non-blocking and returns as soon as the driver has started the operation (driver typically configures DMA or the interrupt system for continuous transfer). When in synchronous slave mode the operation is only registered and started when the master starts the transfer. During the operation it is not allowed to call this function or any other data transfer function again. Also the data buffers must stay allocated and the contents of unsent data must not be modified. When transfer operation is completed (requested number of items transferred) the ARM_USART_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE event is generated. Progress of transfer operation can also be monitored by reading the number of items already transferred by calling ARM_USART_GetTxCount or ARM_USART_GetRxCount.

Status of the transmitter or receiver can be monitored by calling the ARM_USART_GetStatus and checking the tx_busy or rx_busy flag.

When in synchronous slave mode also the following events can be generated:

Transfer operation can also be aborted by calling ARM_USART_Control with ARM_USART_ABORT_TRANSFER as the control parameter.

◆ ARM_USART_GetTxCount()

uint32_t ARM_USART_GetTxCount ( void  )

Get transmitted data count.

number of data items transmitted

The function ARM_USART_GetTxCount returns the number of the currently transmitted data items during ARM_USART_Send and ARM_USART_Transfer operation.

◆ ARM_USART_GetRxCount()

uint32_t ARM_USART_GetRxCount ( void  )

Get received data count.

number of data items received

The function ARM_USART_GetRxCount returns the number of the currently received data items during ARM_USART_Receive and ARM_USART_Transfer operation.

◆ ARM_USART_Control()

int32_t ARM_USART_Control ( uint32_t  control,
uint32_t  arg 

Control USART Interface.

[in]argArgument of operation (optional)
common Status Error Codes and driver specific USART Status Error Codes

The function ARM_USART_Control control the USART interface settings and execute various operations.

The parameter control sets the operation and is explained in the table below. Values from different categories can be ORed with the exception of Miscellaneous Operations.

The parameter arg provides, depending on the operation, additional information, for example the baudrate.

The table lists the available control operations.

Parameter control Bit Category Description
ARM_USART_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS 0..7 Operation Mode Set to asynchronous UART mode. arg specifies baudrate.
ARM_USART_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS_MASTER Set to synchronous master mode with clock signal generation. arg specifies baudrate.
ARM_USART_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS_SLAVE Set to synchronous slave mode with external clock signal.
ARM_USART_MODE_SINGLE_WIRE Set to single-wire (half-duplex) mode. arg specifies baudrate.
ARM_USART_MODE_IRDA Set to Infra-red data mode. arg specifies baudrate.
ARM_USART_MODE_SMART_CARD Set to Smart Card mode. arg specifies baudrate.
ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_5 8..11 Data Bits Set to 5 data bits
ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_6 Set to 6 data bits
ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_7 Set to 7 data bits
ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_8 Set to 8 data bits (default)
ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_9 Set to 9 data bits
ARM_USART_PARITY_EVEN 12..13 Parity Bit Set to Even Parity
ARM_USART_PARITY_NONE Set to No Parity (default)
ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_1 14..15 Stop Bit Set to 1 Stop bit (default)
ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_2 Set to 2 Stop bits
ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_1_5 Set to 1.5 Stop bits
ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_0_5 Set to 0.5 Stop bits
ARM_USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE 16..17 Flow Control No flow control signal (default)
ARM_USART_FLOW_CONTROL_CTS Set to use the CTS flow control signal
ARM_USART_FLOW_CONTROL_RTS Set to use the RTS flow control signal
ARM_USART_FLOW_CONTROL_RTS_CTS Set to use the RTS and CTS flow control signal
ARM_USART_CPOL0 18 Clock Polarity CPOL=0 (default) : data are captured on rising edge (low->high transition)
ARM_USART_CPOL1 CPOL=1 : data are captured on falling edge (high->low transition)
ARM_USART_CPHA0 19 Clock Phase CPHA=0 (default) : sample on first (leading) edge
ARM_USART_CPHA1 CPHA=1 : sample on second (trailing) edge
ARM_USART_ABORT_RECEIVE 0..19 Miscellaneous Operations
(cannot be ORed)
Abort receive operation (see also: ARM_USART_Receive)
ARM_USART_ABORT_SEND Abort send operation (see also: ARM_USART_Send)
ARM_USART_ABORT_TRANSFER Abort transfer operation (see also: ARM_USART_Transfer)
ARM_USART_CONTROL_BREAK Enable or disable continuous Break transmission; arg : 0=disabled; 1=enabled
ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX Enable or disable receiver; arg : 0=disabled; 1=enabled (see also: ARM_USART_Receive; ARM_USART_Transfer)
ARM_USART_CONTROL_SMART_CARD_NACK Enable or disable Smart Card NACK generation; arg : 0=disabled; 1=enabled
ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX Enable or disable transmitter; arg : 0=disabled; 1=enabled (see also: ARM_USART_Send; ARM_USART_Transfer)
ARM_USART_SET_DEFAULT_TX_VALUE Set the default transmit value (synchronous receive only); arg specifies the value. (see also: ARM_USART_Receive)
ARM_USART_SET_IRDA_PULSE Set the IrDA pulse value in ns; arg : 0=3/16 of bit period
ARM_USART_SET_SMART_CARD_CLOCK Set the Smart Card Clock in Hz; arg : 0=Clock not set
ARM_USART_SET_SMART_CARD_GUARD_TIME Set the Smart Card guard time; arg = number of bit periods


// configure to UART mode: 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control, 9600 bps
// identical with above settings (default settings removed)
// configure to UART mode: 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, flow control, 9600 bps
status = Driver_USART0.Control(ARM_USART_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS, 9600);
// enable TX output
status = Driver_USART0.Control(ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX, 1);
// disable RX output
status = Driver_USART0.Control(ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX, 0);

◆ ARM_USART_GetStatus()


Get USART status.


The function ARM_USART_GetStatus retrieves the current USART interface status.

◆ ARM_USART_SetModemControl()

int32_t ARM_USART_SetModemControl ( ARM_USART_MODEM_CONTROL  control)

Set USART Modem Control line state.

Status Error Codes

The function ARM_USART_SetModemControl activates or deactivates the selected USART modem control line.

The function ARM_USART_GetModemStatus returns information about status of the modem lines.

◆ ARM_USART_GetModemStatus()


Get USART Modem Status lines state.


The function ARM_USART_GetModemStatus returns the current USART Modem Status lines state.

The function ARM_USART_SetModemControl sets the modem control lines of the USART.

◆ ARM_USART_SignalEvent()

void ARM_USART_SignalEvent ( uint32_t  event)

Signal USART Events.

[in]eventUSART Events notification mask

The function ARM_USART_SignalEvent is a callback function registered by the function ARM_USART_Initialize.

The parameter event indicates one or more events that occurred during driver operation. Each event is encoded in a separate bit and therefore it is possible to signal multiple events within the same call.

Not every event is necessarily generated by the driver. This depends on the implemented capabilities stored in the data fields of the structure ARM_USART_CAPABILITIES, which can be retrieved with the function ARM_USART_GetCapabilities.

The following events can be generated:

Parameter event Bit Description
ARM_USART_EVENT_SEND_COMPLETE 0 Occurs after call to ARM_USART_Send to indicate that all the data to be sent was processed by the driver. All the data might have been already transmitted or parts of it are still queued in transmit buffers. The driver is ready for the next call to ARM_USART_Send; however USART may still transmit data.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE 1 Occurs after call to ARM_USART_Receive to indicate that all the data has been received. The driver is ready for the next call to ARM_USART_Receive.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE 2 Occurs after call to ARM_USART_Transfer to indicate that all the data has been transferred. The driver is ready for the next call to ARM_USART_Transfer.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE 3 Occurs after call to ARM_USART_Send to indicate that all the data has been physically transmitted on the wires. data field event_tx_complete = 1
ARM_USART_EVENT_TX_UNDERFLOW 4 Occurs in synchronous slave mode when data is requested by the master but send/receive/transfer operation has not been started. Data field rx_underflow = 1 of ARM_USART_STATUS.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_OVERFLOW 5 Occurs when data is lost during receive/transfer operation or when data is lost because receive operation in asynchronous mode or receive/send/transfer operation in synchronous slave mode has not been started. Data field rx_overflow = 1 of ARM_USART_STATUS. always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT 6 Occurs during receive when idle time is detected between consecutive characters (idle time is hardware dependent).
data field event_rx_timeout = 1
ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_BREAK 7 Occurs when break is detected during receive. Data field rx_break = 1 of ARM_USART_STATUS.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_FRAMING_ERROR 8 Occurs when framing error is detected during receive. Data field rx_framing_error = 1 of ARM_USART_STATUS.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_RX_PARITY_ERROR 9 Occurs when parity error is detected during receive. Data field rx_parity_error = 1 of ARM_USART_STATUS.
always supported
ARM_USART_EVENT_CTS 10 Indicates that CTS modem line state has changed. Data field cts of ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS has changed.
data field event_cts = 1 and
data field cts = 1
ARM_USART_EVENT_DSR 11 Indicates that DSR modem line state has changed. Data field dsr of ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS has changed.
data field event_dsr = 1 and
data field dsr = 1
ARM_USART_EVENT_DCD 12 Indicates that DCD modem line state has changed. Data field dcd of ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS has changed.
data field event_dcd = 1 and
data field dcd = 1
ARM_USART_EVENT_RI 13 Indicates that RI modem line state has changed from active to inactive (trailing edge on RI). Data field ri of ARM_USART_MODEM_STATUS has changed from 1 to 0.
data field event_ri = 1 and
data field ri = 1