Network Component   Version 8.0.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
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Directories and Files

Folders and files related to the Network Component.

Folders and files related to the Network Component.

Directories and Files


The table below provides a complete overview of the folders that contain the files related to the Network Component.

Directory Description
./Components/Network/Config Configuration Files that are copied to the project when components are selected.
./Components/Network/Driver Driver implementations for standard and null modem network drivers.
./Components/Network/Include Include files; once a component is select an Include Path is set for the C/C++ compiler to this directory.
./Components/Network/Interface Interface files to other Middleware Components. Files are included when a related component is selected (read-only).
./Components/Network/Source Source files for the Network component.
./Components/Network/Template User code template simplify creating application specific functionality. Adapt the template functions to the application's needs.

Header Files

The API interface of the Network Component is provided using the header file:

Header File Used by Description
rl_net.h Application Code API for the Network Component