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NetBSD: BSD Socket

Events generated by the Network - BSD Socket functions. More...


__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_InitSockets (uint32_t num_socks)
 Event on BSD sockets API initialize (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SocketInvalidParameter (void)
 Event on BSD socket create failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SocketCreate (int32_t sock, int32_t type)
 Event on BSD socket create (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_NoSocketAvailable (uint32_t num_socks)
 Event on BSD socket create failed, no free socket available (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketAlreadyBound (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, socket already bound (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketConnected (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, socket already connected (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindPortInUse (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD bind failed, port in use (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ViewNetAddress (const void *net_addr)
 Event on BSD display network address (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocket (int32_t sock, int32_t backlog)
 Event on BSD listen socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotBound (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, socket not bound (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, socket not stream type (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSockAlreadyListens (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, socket already listens (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenBacklogCreateFailed (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD listen failed, creating socket backlog failed (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotListening (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket not listening (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket not stream type (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptChildSockConnected (int32_t child_sock)
 Event on BSD accept success, child socket connected (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketClosed (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket closed by peer (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD accept failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketWrongState (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, wrong socket state (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectDatagramSuccess (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect success, datagram socket connected (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamSuccess (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect success, stream socket connected (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamTimeout (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, connect request has timed out (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamRefused (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, remote host refused connection (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD connect failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocket (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD send socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket not connected (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketWrongState (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, wrong socket state (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketClosed (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket closed by peer (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteNonBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD send complete non-blocking mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendStreamError (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, stream socket unspecified error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendto failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendDestAddressUndefined (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, destination address unspecified (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoMsgTooLarge (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD sendto message too large (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD sendto out of memory (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendDatagramError (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD send failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num)
 Event on BSD send complete in blocking mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendTimeoutBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD send timeout in blocking mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD send out of memory (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDestAddrUndefined (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, destination address unspecified (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgMsgTooLarge (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD sendmsg message too large (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD sendmsg out of memory (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDatagramError (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t num)
 Event on BSD sendmsg complete (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocket (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD recv socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket not connected (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketWrongState (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, wrong socket state (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketClosed (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket closed by peer (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvTimeout (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv timeout (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recv failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvQueueFree (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD recv queue free (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD recv complete (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg socket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketLocked (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketWrongState (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, wrong socket state (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgTimeout (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg timeout (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketKilled (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD recvmsg complete (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Closesocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD closesocket (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Select (int32_t nfds)
 Event on BSD select (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectInvalidParameter (int32_t nfds)
 Event on BSD select failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectSuspendFailed (int32_t nfds)
 Event on BSD select suspend failed (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectComplete (int32_t n_ready)
 Event on BSD select complete non-blocking (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectCompleteBlocking (int32_t n_ready)
 Event on BSD select complete blocking (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getpeername (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getpeername (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getpeername failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not connected (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getsockname (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockname (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockname failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotBound (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not bound (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Setsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname)
 Event on BSD setsockopt (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD setsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptOptionNotSupported (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname)
 Event on BSD setsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptKeepAlive (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD setsockopt keep-alive option (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptRecvTimeout (int32_t sock, uint32_t timeout)
 Event on BSD setsockopt receive timeout (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSendTimeout (int32_t sock, uint32_t timeout)
 Event on BSD setsockopt send timeout (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptBindToDevice (int32_t sock, uint16_t if_id)
 Event on BSD setsockopt bind to device (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Tos (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip4_tos)
 Event on BSD setsockopt TOS for IPv4 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Ttl (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip4_ttl)
 Event on BSD setsockopt TTL for IPv4 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv4 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Tclass (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip6_tclass)
 Event on BSD setsockopt Traffic Class for IPv6 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6HopLimit (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip6_hoplimit)
 Event on BSD setsockopt Hop Limit for IPv6 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv6 (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Only (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD setsockopt IPv6 only for IPv6 socket (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketBound (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket already bound (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname)
 Event on BSD getsockopt (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptOptionNotSupported (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname)
 Event on BSD getsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Ioctlsocket (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket control (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotValid (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not valid (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlInvalidParameter (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not created (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not stream type (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlNonBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable non-blocking mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlDelayAck (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP delay-ack mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlKeepAlive (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP keep-alive mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlFlowControl (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable)
 Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP flow-control mode (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpEvent (int32_t sock, int32_t tcp_event)
 Event on BSD callback TCP function events (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpQueueAdd (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD callback TCP data received (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpNoMemory (int32_t sock)
 Event on BSD callback no memory for TCP data (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpQueueAdd (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD callback UDP data received (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpDumpData (int32_t sock, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD callback no memory for UDP data (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_UninitSockets (void)
 Event on BSD de-initialize available sockets (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostInit (void)
 Event on BSD hostname resolver initialize (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostByName (const char *hostname, uint32_t length)
 Event on BSD gethostbyname (API)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameResolved (void)
 Event on BSD hostname resolved successfully (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameNotExisting (void)
 Event on BSD requested hostname not existing (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverTimeout (void)
 Event on BSD resolver timeout expired (Op)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverError (void)
 Event on BSD resolver protocol error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverBusy (void)
 Event on BSD resolver busy error (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostInvalidParameter (void)
 Event on BSD gethostbyname invalid parameter (Error)
__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostUninit (void)
 Event on BSD hostname resolver de-initialize (Op)


Events generated by the Network - BSD Socket functions.

The BSD socket functions generate events that make it easier to troubleshoot errors, and allow the user to understand the way BSD sockets work.

Function Documentation

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptChildSockConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptChildSockConnected ( int32_t  child_sock)

Event on BSD accept success, child socket connected (Op)

child_sockchild socket descriptor

The event AcceptChildSockConnected is created when the BSD socket accepts a connection request from the socket queue. Then a new child socket is created. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • child_sock: BSD socket descriptor created.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept socket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocket is created when the BSD socket attempts to accept a connection request from the socket queue in the listening mode. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketClosed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketClosed ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket closed by peer (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketClosed is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the connect request was cancelled. This happens when the accept function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketKilled is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the accept function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking accept socket is currently running from another thread. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotListening()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotListening ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket not listening (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketNotListening is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the required socket is not listening. You should set the socket to listening mode first and then accept a connection. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotStreamType()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotStreamType ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket not stream type (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketNotStreamType is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the required socket is not a stream socket. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD accept failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event AcceptSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not accept a connection request, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the accept function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for accepting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindPortInUse()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindPortInUse ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, port in use (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindPortInUse is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because the required local port is already used. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind socket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindSocket is created when the BSD socket is bound, that is, when a local address and port are assigned to an unnamed socket. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindSocketAlreadyBound()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketAlreadyBound ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, socket already bound (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindSocketAlreadyBound is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because the required socket is bound already. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindSocketConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketConnected ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, socket already connected (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindSocketConnected is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because the required socket is already connected. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD bind failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event BindSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not bind, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the bind function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for binding.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpEvent()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpEvent ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  tcp_event 

Event on BSD callback TCP function events (Op)

socksocket descriptor
tcp_eventTCP socket event
  • 0: netTCP_EventConnect
  • 1: netTCP_EventEstablished
  • 2: netTCP_EventClosed
  • 3: netTCP_EventAborted

The event CbfuncTcpEvent is created, when the internal callback function of the associated TCP socket is executed. This happens when the connection is requested, established, closed or aborted.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor that accepts the callback event.
  • event: TCP callback event that happened.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpNoMemory()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpNoMemory ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD callback no memory for TCP data (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event CbfuncTcpNoMemory is created, when the internal callback function of the associated TCP socket is executed, but the received data can not be added to the receive queue of the stream socket, because no memory is available. The stream socket does not acknowledge the data, so the remote peer retransmits it again.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor that receives data.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpQueueAdd()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpQueueAdd ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD callback TCP data received (Op)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data received

The event CbfuncTcpQueueAdd is created, when the internal callback function of the associated TCP socket is executed. This happens when the data is received. The data is added to the receive queue of the stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor that receives data.
  • len: length of the data received.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpDumpData()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpDumpData ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD callback no memory for UDP data (Error)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of dumped data

The event CbfuncUdpDumpData is created, when the internal callback function of the associated UDP socket is executed, but the received data can not be added to the receive queue of the datagram socket, because no memory is available. The datagram socket then dumps the received data.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor that receives data.
  • len: length of the data received.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpQueueAdd()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpQueueAdd ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD callback UDP data received (Op)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data received

The event CbfuncUdpQueueAdd is created, when the internal callback function of the associated UDP socket is executed. This happens when the data is received. The data is added to the receive queue of the datagram socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor that receives data.
  • len: length of the data received.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Closesocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Closesocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD closesocket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event Closesocket is created, when the function closesocket closes the BSD socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for closing.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event CloseSocketNotCreated is created, when the function closesocket can not close the socket, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the closesocket function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for closing.

◆ EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event CloseSocketNotValid is created, when the function closesocket can not close the socket, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for closing.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectDatagramSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectDatagramSuccess ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect success, datagram socket connected (Op)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectDatagramSuccess is created when the BSD datagram socket successfully connects to the remote host. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not connect to the remote host, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect socket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocket is created when the BSD socket attempts to connect to the remote host. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocketKilled is created when the BSD stream socket can not connect to the remote host, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the connect function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not connect to the remote host, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking connect is currently running from another thread. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not connect to the remote host, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not connect to the remote host, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketWrongState()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketWrongState ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, wrong socket state (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectSocketWrongState is created when the BSD socket can not connect to the remote host, because the required socket is in server mode or is currently being closed. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamRefused()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamRefused ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, remote host refused connection (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectStreamRefused is created when the BSD stream socket can not connect to the remote host, because it rejects the connection. This happens when the connect function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamSuccess()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamSuccess ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect success, stream socket connected (Op)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectStreamSuccess is created when the BSD stream socket successfully connects to the remote host. This happens when the connect function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamTimeout ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD connect failed, connect request has timed out (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ConnectStreamTimeout is created when the BSD stream socket can not connect to the remote host, because it does not respond. This happens when the connect function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for connecting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostByName()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostByName ( const char *  hostname,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD gethostbyname (API)

hostnamename of the host to resolve
lengthlength of the hostname string

The event GetHostByName is created when the BSD host name resolver starts, that is, when the function gethostbyname is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • name: name of the host to resolve.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostInit()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostInit ( void  )

Event on BSD hostname resolver initialize (Op)

The event GetHostInit is created when the BSD host resolver is initialized, that is, when the function netInitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • dns

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostInvalidParameter ( void  )

Event on BSD gethostbyname invalid parameter (Error)

The event GetHostInvalidParameter is created, when an invalid input parameter is provided for the gethostbyname function. This happens when the gethostbyname function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameNotExisting()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameNotExisting ( void  )

Event on BSD requested hostname not existing (Op)

The event GetHostNameNotExisting is created when the BSD host name resolver can not resolve the required host name, because it can not be found in the DNS host database.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameResolved()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameResolved ( void  )

Event on BSD hostname resolved successfully (Op)

The event GetHostNameResolved is created when the BSD host name resolver successfully resolves the required host name.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverBusy()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverBusy ( void  )

Event on BSD resolver busy error (Error)

The event GetHostResolverBusy is created when the BSD host name resolver can not resolve the required host name, because host name resolver is already busy resolving another host name.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverError ( void  )

Event on BSD resolver protocol error (Error)

The event GetHostResolverError is created when the BSD host name resolver can not resolve the required host name, because an internal protocol error has occurred.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverTimeout ( void  )

Event on BSD resolver timeout expired (Op)

The event GetHostResolverTimeout is created when the BSD host name resolver can not resolve the required host name, because waiting time interval for the response has expired.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetHostUninit()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetHostUninit ( void  )

Event on BSD hostname resolver de-initialize (Op)

The event GetHostUninit is created when the function netUninitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • dns

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetoptInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetoptInvalidParameter is created, when the function getsockopt can not retrieve the option because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetoptOptionNotSupported()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptOptionNotSupported ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  level,
int32_t  optname 

Event on BSD getsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error)

socksocket descriptor
levellevel at which the option is defined
optnamesocket option to be retrieved

The event GetoptOptionNotSupported is created, when the function getsockopt can not retrieve the option because the required option is not supported for this socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the option.
  • level: level at which the option is defined.
  • name: name of the option to get.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetoptSocketNotCreated is created, when the function getsockopt can not retrieve the option because the required socket is not created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetoptSocketNotValid is created, when the function getsockopt can not retrieve the option for the BSD socket because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetpeerInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getpeername failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetpeerInvalidParameter is created, when the function getpeername can not retrieve the endpoint node address because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the peer address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Getpeername()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getpeername ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getpeername (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event Getpeername is created, when the function getpeername retrieves the endpoint node address, that is the IP address and port number of the remote peer.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the peer address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotConnected ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not connected (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetpeerSocketNotConnected is created, when the function getpeername can not retrieve the endpoint node address because the required socket is not connected, that is, the endpoint address is not known.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the peer address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetpeerSocketNotCreated is created, when the function getpeername can not retrieve the endpoint node address because the required socket is not created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the peer address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetpeerSocketNotValid is created, when the function getpeername can not retrieve the endpoint node address because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the peer address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetsockInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockname failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetsockInvalidParameter is created, when the function getsockname can not retrieve the local address because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the local address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Getsockname()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getsockname ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockname (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event Getsockname is created, when the function getsockname retrieves the local address, that is the IP address and port number for the BSD socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the local address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Getsockopt()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Getsockopt ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  level,
int32_t  optname 

Event on BSD getsockopt (API)

socksocket descriptor
levellevel at which the option is defined
optnamesocket option to be retrieved

The event Getsockopt is created, when the function getsockopt retrieves the operating option for the BSD socket. Options are set at different socket levels like the socket level or the protocol level.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the option.
  • level: level at which the option is defined.
  • name: name of the option to get.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotBound()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotBound ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not bound (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetsockSocketNotBound is created, when the function getsockname can not retrieve the local address because the required BSD socket is not bound. You should bind the socket first and then retrieve the local address.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the local address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetsockSocketNotCreated is created, when the function getsockname can not retrieve the local address because the required socket is not created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the local address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event GetsockSocketNotValid is created, when the function getsockname can not retrieve the local address because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for retrieving the local address.

◆ EvrNetBSD_InitSockets()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_InitSockets ( uint32_t  num_socks)

Event on BSD sockets API initialize (Op)

num_socksnumber of available BSD sockets

The event InitSockets is created when the BSD sockets are initialized, that is, when the function netInitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sockets: number of BSD sockets available.

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlDelayAck()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlDelayAck ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP delay-ack mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enabledelay-ack state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event IoctlDelayAck is created, when the function ioctlsocket manipulates the I/O mode of the socket. This is the legacy way for enabling or disabling the delayed acknowledge mode for the stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlFlowControl()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlFlowControl ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP flow-control mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enableflow-control state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event IoctlFlowControl is created, when the function ioctlsocket manipulates the I/O mode of the socket. This is the legacy way for enabling or disabling the flow-control mode for the stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event IoctlInvalidParameter is created, when the function ioctlsocket can not manipulate the I/O mode of the socket because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlKeepAlive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlKeepAlive ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP keep-alive mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enablekeep-alive state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event IoctlKeepAlive is created, when the function ioctlsocket manipulates the I/O mode of the socket. This is the legacy way for enabling or disabling the keepalive mode for the stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlNonBlocking()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlNonBlocking ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable non-blocking mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enablenon-blocking state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event IoctlNonBlocking is created, when the function ioctlsocket manipulates the I/O mode of the socket. This option enables or disables the non-blocking I/O mode of the socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_Ioctlsocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Ioctlsocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD ioctlsocket control (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event Ioctlsocket is created, when the function ioctlsocket manipulates the I/O mode of the socket. It gets or sets parameters that control how the socket performs input and output.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event IoctlSocketNotCreated is created, when the function ioctlsocket can not manipulate the I/O mode of the socket because the required socket is not created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotStreamType()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotStreamType ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not stream type (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event IoctlSocketNotStreamType is created, when the function ioctlsocket can not manipulate the I/O mode of the socket because the required socket is not stream socket.

This event is generated when an error occurs while using the legacy socket control for stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.

◆ EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event IoctlSocketNotValid is created, when the function ioctlsocket can not manipulate the I/O mode of the socket because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for manipulating I/O mode.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenBacklogCreateFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenBacklogCreateFailed ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, creating socket backlog failed (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenBacklogCreateFailed is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the required socket failed to assign native TCP sockets for the back log. That usually means that the number of TCP sockets in the network configuration is too low. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSockAlreadyListens()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSockAlreadyListens ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, socket already listens (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenSockAlreadyListens is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the required socket already listens. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocket ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  backlog 

Event on BSD listen socket (API)

socksocket descriptor
backlogmax number of queued connection requests

The event ListenSocket is created when the BSD socket is set to listening mode. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.
  • backlog: number of connection requests that can be queued.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotBound()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotBound ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, socket not bound (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenSocketNotBound is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the required socket is not bound. You should bind the socket first and then start the listening mode. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotStreamType()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotStreamType ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, socket not stream type (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenSocketNotStreamType is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the required socket is not a stream socket. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD listen failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event ListenSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not start listening, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the listen function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for listening.

◆ EvrNetBSD_NoSocketAvailable()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_NoSocketAvailable ( uint32_t  num_socks)

Event on BSD socket create failed, no free socket available (Error)

num_socksnumber of available BSD sockets

The event NoSocketAvailable is created, when the function socket can not assign a free BSD socket. This happens when the socket function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • used: number of already used sockets.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvComplete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvComplete ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD recv complete (Op)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data received

The event RecvComplete is created when the BSD socket successfully receives the data from the remote host. This happens when the recv or recvfrom functions are executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.
  • len: number of bytes that was received.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgComplete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgComplete ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD recvmsg complete (Op)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data received

The event RecvmsgComplete is created when the BSD datagram socket successfully receives the message from the endpoint node. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.
  • len: number of bytes that was received.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg socket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocket is created when the BSD datagram socket wants to receive the message from the endpoint node. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocketKilled is created when the BSD datagram socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking receive is currently running from another thread. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketWrongState()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketWrongState ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg failed, wrong socket state (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgSocketWrongState is created when the BSD socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the required socket is in server mode or is currently being closed. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgTimeout ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recvmsg timeout (Op)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvmsgTimeout is created when the BSD datagram socket can not receive the message from the endpoint node, because the timeout for receiving has expired and the message has not been received. This happens when the recvmsg function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvQueueFree()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvQueueFree ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD recv queue free (Op)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data to release

The event RecvQueueFree is created when the BSD socket releases the data memory from the queue after copying the received data into the application's buffer. This happens when the recv or recvfrom functions are executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor.
  • len: length of the relese data buffers.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocket ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD recv socket (API)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data to receive

The event RecvSocket is created when the BSD socket wants to receive the data from the remote host. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.
  • len: length of the data to receive.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketClosed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketClosed ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket closed by peer (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketClosed is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the required socket has been closed. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketKilled is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the recv function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking receive is currently running from another thread. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotConnected ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket not connected (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketNotConnected is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the required socket is not connected. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketWrongState()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketWrongState ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv failed, wrong socket state (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvSocketWrongState is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data from the remote host, because the required socket is in server mode or is currently being closed. This happens when the recv function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_RecvTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_RecvTimeout ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD recv timeout (Op)

socksocket descriptor

The event RecvTimeout is created when the BSD socket can not receive the data, because the timeout for receiving has expired and the data has not been received. This happens when the recv function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for receiving.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Select()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Select ( int32_t  nfds)

Event on BSD select (API)

nfdsrange of sockets to be tested

The event Select is created when network library wants to check which of the specified sockets is ready for reading, ready for writing, or has an error condition pending. This happens when the select function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • nfds: range of sockets to be tested.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SelectComplete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectComplete ( int32_t  n_ready)

Event on BSD select complete non-blocking (Op)

n_readynumber of ready sockets

The event SelectComplete is created when network library checked the specified sockets, which of the specified sockets is ready for reading, ready for writing, or has an error condition pending. This happens when the select function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • n_ready: number of currently ready sockets.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SelectCompleteBlocking()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectCompleteBlocking ( int32_t  n_ready)

Event on BSD select complete blocking (Op)

n_readynumber of ready sockets

The event SelectCompleteBlocking is created when network library checked the specified sockets, which of the specified sockets is ready for reading, ready for writing, or has an error condition pending. Initially, no socket is ready, so the function must wait for the sockets to be ready. This happens when the select function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • n_ready: number of ready sockets after waiting.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SelectInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectInvalidParameter ( int32_t  nfds)

Event on BSD select failed, invalid parameter (Error)

nfdsrange of sockets to be tested

The event SelectInvalidParameter is created when network library can not check the specified sockets, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the select function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • nfds: range of sockets to be tested.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SelectSuspendFailed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SelectSuspendFailed ( int32_t  nfds)

Event on BSD select suspend failed (Error)

nfdsrange of sockets to be subscribed to resume events
Subscription to resume events has failed, no sockets subscribed.

The event SelectSuspendFailed is created when network library can not check the specified sockets, because the network library can not subscribe to resume events. A possible reason for this event is that all specified sockets are owned and locked by other threads. This happens when the select function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • nfds: range of sockets to be tested.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteBlocking()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteBlocking ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  num 

Event on BSD send complete in blocking mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
numnumber of bytes successfully sent

The event SendCompleteBlocking is created when the BSD socket successfully sends the data to the remote host. This happens when the send function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • num_sent: number of bytes that was sent.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteNonBlocking()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteNonBlocking ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  num,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD send complete non-blocking mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
numnumber of bytes successfully sent
lengthlength of data requested to send

The event SendCompleteNonBlocking is created when the BSD socket successfully sends the data to the remote host. This happens when the send function is executed in nonblocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • num_sent: number of bytes that was successfully sent.
  • len: required length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendDatagramError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendDatagramError ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendDatagramError is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the data to the remote host, because an error has been detected in the associated UDP socket. A possible reason for this event is that the ARP or NDP module could not resolve the ethernet MAC address. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendDestAddressUndefined()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendDestAddressUndefined ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, destination address unspecified (Error)

socksocket descriptor
The connect function was not previously called for datagram socket.

The event SendDestAddressUndefined is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the destination address is not defined. You should connect the datagram socket first and then send the data. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgComplete()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgComplete ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  num 

Event on BSD sendmsg complete (Op)

socksocket descriptor
numnumber of bytes successfully sent

The event SendmsgComplete is created when the BSD datagram socket successfully sends the message to the endpoint node. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • num_sent: number of bytes that was sent.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDatagramError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDatagramError ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgDatagramError is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because an error has been detected in the associated UDP socket. A possible reason for this event is that the ARP or NDP module could not resolve the ethernet MAC address. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDestAddrUndefined()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDestAddrUndefined ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, destination address unspecified (Error)

socksocket descriptor
The connect function was not previously called for datagram socket.

The event SendmsgDestAddrUndefined is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because the destination address is not defined. You should connect the datagram socket first and then send the message or provide the destination address in the message header structure. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgInvalidParameter is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgMsgTooLarge()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgMsgTooLarge ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD sendmsg message too large (Error)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of message requested to send

The event SendmsgMsgTooLarge is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the entire message at once because the message length is too large. This only applies to datagram sockets.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • len: required length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgNoMemory()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgNoMemory ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD sendmsg out of memory (Error)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of message requested to send

The event SendmsgNoMemory is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because there is currently no memory available for the sending buffer. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • len: length of the message to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocket ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg socket (API)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgSocket is created when the BSD socket wants to send the message to the endpoint node. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgSocketKilled is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking send is currently running from another thread. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendmsgSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the sendmsg function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendNoMemory()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendNoMemory ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  num,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD send out of memory (Op)

socksocket descriptor
numnumber of bytes successfully sent
lengthlength of data requested to send

The event SendNoMemory is created when the BSD socket can not send all the required data, because there is currently no memory available for the sending buffer. This happens when the send function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • num_sent: number of bytes that was successfully sent.
  • len: required length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocket()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocket ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD send socket (API)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data to send

The event SendSocket is created when the BSD socket wants to send the data to the remote host. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • len: length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketClosed()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketClosed ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket closed by peer (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketClosed is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket has been closed. This happens when the send function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketKilled()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketKilled ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket killed locally (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketKilled is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket has been locally closed from another thread. This happens when the send function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketLocked()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketLocked ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket locked by another thread (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketLocked is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket is owned by another thread. This usually means that a blocking send is currently running from another thread. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotConnected()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotConnected ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket not connected (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketNotConnected is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket is not connected. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketNotCreated is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket is not created. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketNotValid is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the provided socket descriptor is invalid. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendSocketWrongState()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendSocketWrongState ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, wrong socket state (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendSocketWrongState is created when the BSD socket can not send the data to the remote host, because the required socket is in server mode. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendStreamError()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendStreamError ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD send failed, stream socket unspecified error (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendStreamError is created when the BSD stream socket can not send the data to the remote host, because an error has been detected in the associated TCP socket. This happens when the send function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendTimeoutBlocking()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendTimeoutBlocking ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  num,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD send timeout in blocking mode (Op)

socksocket descriptor
numnumber of bytes successfully sent
lengthlength of data requested to send

The event SendTimeoutBlocking is created when the BSD socket can not send all the required data, because the timeout for sending has expired. This happens when the send function is executed in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • num_sent: number of bytes that was successfully sent.
  • len: required length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendtoInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD sendto failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SendtoInvalidParameter is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the data to the remote host, because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function, which means that the address parameter is invalid. This happens when the sendto function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendtoMsgTooLarge()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoMsgTooLarge ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD sendto message too large (Error)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data requested to send

The event SendtoMsgTooLarge is created when the BSD datagram socket can not send the entire message at once because the message length is too large. This only applies to datagram sockets.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • len: required length of the data to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SendtoNoMemory()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SendtoNoMemory ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  length 

Event on BSD sendto out of memory (Error)

socksocket descriptor
lengthlength of data requested to send

The event SendtoNoMemory is created when the BSD socket can not send the message to the endpoint node, because there is currently no memory available for the sending buffer. This happens when the sendto function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for sending.
  • len: length of the message to send.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptBindToDevice()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptBindToDevice ( int32_t  sock,
uint16_t  if_id 

Event on BSD setsockopt bind to device (Op)

socksocket descriptor
if_idnetwork interface identifier

The event SetoptBindToDevice is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option binds the network interface to the datagram socket. The socket can then only send and receive data on the bound interface. Data from other interfaces is discarded.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • netif: network interface identifier.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptInvalidParameter ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD setsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SetoptInvalidParameter is created, when the function setsockopt can not set the option because an invalid input parameter is provided for the function.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv4 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enablereceive dst address state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option enables or disables receiving of the destination IPv4 address for the datagram socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Tos()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Tos ( int32_t  sock,
uint8_t  ip4_tos 

Event on BSD setsockopt TOS for IPv4 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
ip4_tostype of service value

The event SetoptIp4Tos is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the IPv4 Type of Service value to the socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • tos: value for the TOS option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Ttl()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Ttl ( int32_t  sock,
uint8_t  ip4_ttl 

Event on BSD setsockopt TTL for IPv4 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
ip4_ttltime to live value

The event SetoptIp4Ttl is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the IPv4 Time to Live value to the socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • ttl: value for the TTL option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6HopLimit()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6HopLimit ( int32_t  sock,
uint8_t  ip6_hoplimit 

Event on BSD setsockopt Hop Limit for IPv6 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
ip6_hoplimithop limit value

The event SetoptIp6HopLimit is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the IPv6 Hop Limit value to the socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • hop_limit: value for the HopLimit option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Only()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Only ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD setsockopt IPv6 only for IPv6 socket (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enableIPv6 only mode value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event SetoptIp6Only is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option enables or disables the restriction of the IPv6 socket to IPv6 communications only. If this option is disabled, a mixture of IPv6 and IPv4 communications is used. Dual-stack IPv6 socket has this option enabled by default.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv6 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enablereceive dst address state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option enables or disables receiving of the destination IPv6 address for the datagram socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Tclass()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Tclass ( int32_t  sock,
uint8_t  ip6_tclass 

Event on BSD setsockopt Traffic Class for IPv6 (Op)

socksocket descriptor
ip6_tclasstraffic class value

The event SetoptIp6Tclass is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the IPv6 Traffic Class value to the socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • tclass: value for the TClass option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptKeepAlive()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptKeepAlive ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  enable 

Event on BSD setsockopt keep-alive option (Op)

socksocket descriptor
enablekeep-alive state value
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable

The event SetoptKeepAlive is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option enables or disables the keepalive mode for the stream socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • enable: enable or disable the option (1= enable, 0= disable).

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptOptionNotSupported()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptOptionNotSupported ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  level,
int32_t  optname 

Event on BSD setsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error)

socksocket descriptor
levellevel at which the option is defined
optnamesocket option to be set

The event SetoptOptionNotSupported is created, when the function setsockopt can not set the option because the required option is not supported for this socket.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • level: level at which the option is defined.
  • name: name of the option to be set.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptRecvTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptRecvTimeout ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  timeout 

Event on BSD setsockopt receive timeout (Op)

socksocket descriptor
timeoutreceive timeout in ms

The event SetoptRecvTimeout is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the receiving timeout value to the socket, which is used when the socket is in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • tout: receive timeout in milliseconds.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptSendTimeout()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSendTimeout ( int32_t  sock,
uint32_t  timeout 

Event on BSD setsockopt send timeout (Op)

socksocket descriptor
timeoutsend timeout in ms

The event SetoptSendTimeout is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. This option assigns the sending timeout value to the socket, which is used when the socket is in blocking mode.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • tout: send timeout in milliseconds.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketBound()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketBound ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket already bound (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SetoptSocketBound is created, when the function setsockopt fails to set the IPV6_V6ONLY option for the BSD socket, because the socket is already bound. This option must be set before the socket is bound to the address.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotCreated()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotCreated ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not created (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SetoptSocketNotCreated is created, when the function setsockopt can not set the option because the required socket is not created.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotValid()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotValid ( int32_t  sock)

Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error)

socksocket descriptor

The event SetoptSocketNotValid is created, when the function setsockopt can not set the option for the BSD socket because the provided socket descriptor is invalid.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.

◆ EvrNetBSD_Setsockopt()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_Setsockopt ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  level,
int32_t  optname 

Event on BSD setsockopt (API)

socksocket descriptor
levellevel at which the option is defined
optnamesocket option to be set

The event Setsockopt is created, when the function setsockopt sets the operating option for the BSD socket. Options are set at different socket levels like the socket level or the protocol level.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: BSD socket descriptor for setting the option.
  • level: level at which the option is defined.
  • name: name of the option to be set.

◆ EvrNetBSD_SocketCreate()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SocketCreate ( int32_t  sock,
int32_t  type 

Event on BSD socket create (API)

sockallocated socket descriptor
typesocket type

The event SocketCreate is created when the BSD socket is assigned, that is, when the function socket is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • sock: allocated BSD socket descriptor.
  • type: type of the socket (stream or datagram).

◆ EvrNetBSD_SocketInvalidParameter()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_SocketInvalidParameter ( void  )

Event on BSD socket create failed, invalid parameter (Error)

The event SocketInvalidParameter is created, when an invalid input parameter is provided for the socket function. This happens when the socket function is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • error

◆ EvrNetBSD_UninitSockets()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_UninitSockets ( void  )

Event on BSD de-initialize available sockets (Op)

The event UninitSockets is created when the function netUninitialize is executed.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • bsd

◆ EvrNetBSD_ViewNetAddress()

__STATIC_INLINE void EvrNetBSD_ViewNetAddress ( const void *  net_addr)

Event on BSD display network address (Op)

net_addrpointer to NET_ADDR address structure

The event ViewNetAddress is created when the network library wants to display the contents of the network address structure, that is, the IP address and the port number.

Value in the Event Recorder shows:

  • ip: IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • port: port number.