USB Component  
MDK Middleware for USB Device and Host Communication
No Matches
Data Types

Data Types used by USB Device component. More...

Data Structures

struct  USBD_STATE
 USB Device State structure. More...
 USB Setup Packet structure. More...
struct  usbd_desc_t
 USB Device Descriptors structure. More...
 CDC Line Coding structure. More...
 CDC NCM NTB Parameters structure. More...


Data Types used by USB Device component.

Data Structure Documentation



USB Device State structure.

Used in

Data Fields
uint32_t active: 1 USB Device bus activity.
uint32_t speed: 2 USB Device enumerated speed (USB_SPEED_LOW, USB_SPEED_FULL or USB_SPEED_HIGH)
uint32_t vbus: 1 USB Device VBUS state.



USB Setup Packet structure.

Used in

Used in

Data Fields
USB_REQUEST_TYPE bmRequestType Characteristics of request.
uint8_t bRequest Specific request.
uint16_t wIndex Index or Offset according to request.
uint16_t wLength Number of bytes to transfer if there is a Data stage.
uint16_t wValue Value according to request.

◆ usbd_desc_t

struct usbd_desc_t

USB Device Descriptors structure.

Data Fields
const uint8_t * config_descriptor_fs Pointer to Configuration Descriptor for low/full-speed.
const uint8_t * config_descriptor_hs Pointer to Configuration Descriptor for high-speed.
const uint8_t * device_descriptor Pointer to Device Descriptor.
const uint8_t * device_qualifier_fs Pointer to Device Qualifier Descriptor for low/full-speed.
const uint8_t * device_qualifier_hs Pointer to Device Qualifier Descriptor for high-speed.
const uint8_t * ep0_descriptor Pointer to Control Endpoint 0 descriptor.
const uint8_t * ms_os_ext_compat_id_descriptor Pointer to Microsoft Extended Compat ID OS Feature Descriptor.
const uint8_t * ms_os_string_descriptor Pointer to Microsoft OS string descriptor.
const uint8_t * other_speed_config_descriptor_fs Pointer to Other speed Configuration Descriptor for low/full-speed.
const uint8_t * other_speed_config_descriptor_hs Pointer to Other speed Configuration Descriptor for high-speed.
uint8_t * ser_num_string_descriptor Pointer to Serial Number String Descriptors.
const uint8_t * string_descriptor Pointer to String Descriptors.



CDC Line Coding structure.

Used in

Used in

Data Fields
uint8_t bCharFormat Number of stop bits.
uint8_t bDataBits Number of data bits.
uint8_t bParityType Parity bit type.
uint32_t dwDTERate Data terminal rate in bits per second.



CDC NCM NTB Parameters structure.

Used in

Data Fields
uint16_t bmNtbFormatsSupported Bit 0: 16-bit NTB supported (set to 1), Bit 1: 32-bit NTB supported, Bits 2 .. 15: reserved.
uint32_t dwNtbInMaxSize IN NTB Maximum Size in bytes.
uint32_t dwNtbOutMaxSize OUT NTB Maximum Size.
uint16_t wLength Size of this structure, in bytes = 1Ch.
uint16_t wNdpInAlignment NDP alignment modulus for NTBs on the IN pipe. Shall be a power of 2, and shall be at least 4.
uint16_t wNdpInDivisor Divisor used for IN NTB Datagram payload alignment.
uint16_t wNdpInPayloadRemainder Remainder used to align input datagram payload within the NTB.
uint16_t wNdpOutAlignment NDP alignment modulus for use in NTBs on the OUT pipe. Shall be a power of 2, and shall be at least 4.
uint16_t wNdpOutDivisor OUT NTB Datagram alignment modulus.
uint16_t wNdpOutPayloadRemainder Remainder used to align output datagram payload offsets within the NTB.