FuseBatchNorm< ConvLayer, ArmnnType, T > Class Template Reference

#include <FuseBatchNorm.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void Run (Graph &graph, InputSlot &connection) const
 Run for every exclusive connection between any base Convolution layer and a child BatchNorm layer for not quantized layers. More...

Protected Member Functions

 FuseBatchNorm ()=default
 ~FuseBatchNorm ()=default

Detailed Description

template<typename ConvLayer, armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
class armnn::optimizations::FuseBatchNorm< ConvLayer, ArmnnType, T >

Definition at line 19 of file FuseBatchNorm.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FuseBatchNorm()

FuseBatchNorm ( )

◆ ~FuseBatchNorm()

~FuseBatchNorm ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Run()

void Run ( Graph graph,
InputSlot connection 
) const

Run for every exclusive connection between any base Convolution layer and a child BatchNorm layer for not quantized layers.

The child will be removed, the base will be removed if it's left unconnected. A new Convolution layer will be added, its weights and bias will be calculated using the weights and bias of the base Convolution layer combined with the parameters of the child BatchNorm layer.

Definition at line 27 of file FuseBatchNorm.hpp.

28  {
29  Layer& base = connection.GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer();
30  Layer& child = connection.GetOwningLayer();
32  bool depthwise = (base.GetType() == LayerType::DepthwiseConvolution2d);
34  ARMNN_ASSERT(base.GetType() == LayerType::Convolution2d || depthwise);
35  ARMNN_ASSERT(child.GetType() == LayerType::BatchNormalization);
37  if (base.GetDataType() == ArmnnType && child.GetDataType() == ArmnnType)
38  {
39  OutputSlot* parentOut = base.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
40  auto convLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<ConvLayer*>(&base);
41  auto batchNormLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<BatchNormalizationLayer*>(&child);
43  // Read convolution and batch norm parameters
44  BatchNormalizationDescriptor batchNormDescriptor = batchNormLayer->GetParameters();
45  auto epsilon = batchNormDescriptor.m_Eps;
46  IgnoreUnused(epsilon);
48  ConstTensor betaTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Beta->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Beta->Map(true));
49  ConstTensor gammaTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Gamma->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Gamma->Map(true));
50  ConstTensor meanTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Mean->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Mean->Map(true));
51  ConstTensor varTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Variance->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Variance->Map(true));
53  auto convDescriptor = convLayer->GetParameters();
54  ConstTensor weightsTensor;
55  ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(convLayer->GetInputSlots()[1].GetConnection() != nullptr,
56  "FuseBatchNorm: Weight data should not be null.");
58  ConstantLayer* weightLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<ConstantLayer*>(
59  &base.GetInputSlot(1).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer());
61  weightsTensor = ConstTensor(weightLayer->m_LayerOutput->GetTensorInfo(),
62  weightLayer->m_LayerOutput->Map(true));
64  armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed dataLayout(convDescriptor.m_DataLayout);
65  auto weightsShape = weightsTensor.GetInfo().GetShape();
66  const unsigned int inputChannels = parentOut->GetTensorInfo().GetShape()[dataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()];
67  const unsigned int depthMultiplier = depthwise ? weightsShape[3] / inputChannels : 1;
68  const unsigned int outputChannels = depthwise ? weightsShape[3] : weightsShape[0];
69  const unsigned int weightsHeight = depthwise ? weightsShape[1] :
70  weightsShape[dataLayout.GetHeightIndex()];
71  const unsigned int weightsWidth = depthwise ? weightsShape[2] :
72  weightsShape[dataLayout.GetWidthIndex()];
74  const auto* weightsBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(weightsTensor.GetMemoryArea());
75  const auto* betaBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(betaTensor.GetMemoryArea());
76  const auto* gammaBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(gammaTensor.GetMemoryArea());
77  const auto* meanBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(meanTensor.GetMemoryArea());
78  const auto* varBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(varTensor.GetMemoryArea());
80  std::vector<T> weightsVector (weightsBuffer, weightsBuffer + weightsTensor.GetNumElements());
81  std::vector<T> betaVector (betaBuffer, betaBuffer + betaTensor.GetNumElements());
82  std::vector<T> gammaVector (gammaBuffer, gammaBuffer + gammaTensor.GetNumElements());
83  std::vector<T> meanVector (meanBuffer, meanBuffer + meanTensor.GetNumElements());
84  std::vector<T> varianceVector(varBuffer, varBuffer + varTensor.GetNumElements());
86  // fusedWeights = ( gamma * weights ) / ( std - epsilon);
87  std::vector<T> fusedWeightsVector(weightsVector.size());
89  for (unsigned int cInput = 0; cInput < inputChannels; ++cInput)
90  {
91  for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut)
92  {
93  T mult = gammaVector[cOut] / static_cast<T>(sqrtf(varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon));
95  for (unsigned int h = 0; h < weightsHeight; ++h)
96  {
97  for (unsigned int w = 0; w < weightsWidth; ++w)
98  {
99  unsigned int weightsIdx = 0;
101  if (depthwise)
102  {
103  cInput = cOut / depthMultiplier;
104  weightsIdx = w * outputChannels + cOut +
105  h * weightsWidth * outputChannels;
106  }
107  else if (convDescriptor.m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC)
108  {
109  weightsIdx = cOut * weightsHeight * weightsWidth * inputChannels +
110  h * weightsWidth * inputChannels +
111  w * inputChannels +
112  cInput;
113  }
114  else
115  {
116  weightsIdx = cOut * weightsWidth * weightsHeight * inputChannels +
117  cInput * weightsWidth * weightsHeight +
118  h * weightsWidth +
119  w;
120  }
121  fusedWeightsVector[weightsIdx] = mult * weightsVector[weightsIdx];
122  }
123  }
124  }
125  }
126  ConstTensor fusedWeightsTensor(weightsTensor.GetInfo(), fusedWeightsVector);
128  // fusedBias = (gamma * (bias - mean)) / (variance - epsilon) + beta;
129  std::vector<T> fusedBiasVector(outputChannels);
130  bool biasWasEnabledBeforeOpt = convDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled;
131  if (biasWasEnabledBeforeOpt)
132  {
133  ConstTensor biasTensor;
134  ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(convLayer->GetInputSlots()[2].GetConnection() != nullptr,
135  "FuseBatchNorm: Bias data should not be null if bias is enabled.");
137  ConstantLayer* biasLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<ConstantLayer*>(
138  &base.GetInputSlot(2).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer());
140  biasTensor = ConstTensor(biasLayer->m_LayerOutput->GetTensorInfo(),
141  biasLayer->m_LayerOutput->Map(true));
143  const auto* biasBuffer = static_cast<const T*>(biasTensor.GetMemoryArea());
144  std::vector<T> biasVector(biasBuffer, biasBuffer + biasTensor.GetNumElements());
146  for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut)
147  {
148  fusedBiasVector[cOut] = ((gammaVector[cOut] * (biasVector[cOut] - meanVector[cOut])) /
149  sqrtf(varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon)) + betaVector[cOut];
150  }
151  }
152  else
153  {
154  convDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled = true;
155  std::vector<T> biasVector(outputChannels, T(0));
157  for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut)
158  {
159  fusedBiasVector[cOut] = ((gammaVector[cOut] * (biasVector[cOut] - meanVector[cOut])) /
160  sqrtf(varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon)) + betaVector[cOut];
161  }
162  }
163  ConstTensor fusedBiasTensor(TensorInfo({outputChannels}, ArmnnType, 0.0f, 0, true), fusedBiasVector);
165  // Insert the new convolution layer that has batch norm parameters fused into
166  const std::string name = std::string("fused-") + child.GetName() + std::string("-into-") + base.GetName();
167  auto& newConv2dLayer = *graph.InsertNewLayer<ConvLayer>(base.GetInputSlot(0),
168  convDescriptor,
169  name.c_str());
171  // Connect weights and bias from old to new Conv2d layer
172  // This optimization will always have 3 input slots on the Conv2d base layer
173  if (newConv2dLayer.GetNumInputSlots() > 1)
174  {
175  // Remove old connection and connect to new layer2d
176  weightLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Disconnect(base.GetInputSlot(1));
177  weightLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(newConv2dLayer.GetInputSlot(1));
178  weightLayer->m_LayerOutput = std::make_unique<ScopedTensorHandle>(fusedWeightsTensor);
180  // Move bias const layers as normal if it was enabled before the optimisation
181  ConstantLayer* biasLayer;
182  if (biasWasEnabledBeforeOpt)
183  {
184  biasLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<ConstantLayer*>(
185  &base.GetInputSlot(2).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer());
186  // Remove old connection and connect to new layer2d
187  biasLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Disconnect(base.GetInputSlot(2));
188  biasLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(newConv2dLayer.GetInputSlot(2));
190  }
191  // Otherwise create a new bias layer and add to the new convolution2d
192  else
193  {
194  // Add in bias constant layer
195  biasLayer = graph.AddLayer<ConstantLayer>("Bias");
196  biasLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(fusedBiasTensor.GetInfo());
197  biasLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(newConv2dLayer.GetInputSlot(2));
198  }
199  biasLayer->m_LayerOutput = std::make_unique<ScopedTensorHandle>(ConstTensor(fusedBiasTensor));
200  }
203  // Reconnects with original parent.
204  newConv2dLayer.GetOutputSlot().MoveAllConnections(*parentOut);
205  // Parent is now the new convolution2d layer.
206  parentOut = &newConv2dLayer.GetOutputSlot();
208  // Moves connections in child output to parent layer.
209  // Child layer will be removed as it's left unconnected.
210  // Base layer will be removed if left unconnected.
211  child.GetOutputSlot().MoveAllConnections(*parentOut);
212  }
213  }

References Graph::AddLayer(), ARMNN_ASSERT, ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG, armnn::BatchNormalization, OutputSlot::Connect(), armnn::Convolution2d, armnn::DepthwiseConvolution2d, OutputSlot::Disconnect(), DataLayoutIndexed::GetChannelsIndex(), InputSlot::GetConnectedOutputSlot(), Layer::GetDataType(), DataLayoutIndexed::GetHeightIndex(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetInfo(), Layer::GetInputSlot(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetMemoryArea(), Layer::GetName(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetNumElements(), Layer::GetOutputSlot(), InputSlot::GetOwningLayer(), OutputSlot::GetOwningLayer(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), OutputSlot::GetTensorInfo(), Layer::GetType(), DataLayoutIndexed::GetWidthIndex(), armnn::IgnoreUnused(), Graph::InsertNewLayer(), BatchNormalizationDescriptor::m_Eps, ConstantLayer::m_LayerOutput, OutputSlot::MoveAllConnections(), armnn::NHWC, and OutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
@ BatchNormalization
Provides access to the appropriate indexes for Channels, Height and Width based on DataLayout.
Definition: DataLayoutIndexed.hpp:17
Definition: Assert.hpp:15
@ DepthwiseConvolution2d
void IgnoreUnused(Ts &&...)
Definition: IgnoreUnused.hpp:14
@ Convolution2d