Go to the documentation of this file.
18 fn(
"A", std::to_string(desc.
19 fn(
"B", std::to_string(desc.
25 fn(
"Eps", std::to_string(desc.
32 fn(
"TransposeX", (desc.
m_TransposeX ?
"true" :
33 fn(
"TransposeX", (desc.
m_TransposeY ?
"true" :
34 fn(
"AdjointX", (desc.
m_AdjointX ?
"true" :
35 fn(
"AdjointY", (desc.
m_AdjointY ?
"true" :
53 fn(
"BlockShape", ss.str());
65 ss <<
"[" << var.first <<
"," << var.second <<
68 fn(
"Crops", ss.str());
77 fn(
"Axis", std::to_string(desc.
94 fn(
100 fn(
"Stride(X,Y)", ss.str());
104 std::stringstream ss;
106 fn(
"Dilation(X,Y)", ss.str());
117 std::stringstream ss;
121 fn(
125 std::stringstream ss;
127 fn(
"Stride(X,Y,Z)", ss.str());
131 std::stringstream ss;
133 fn(
"Dilation(X,Y,Z)", ss.str());
151 std::stringstream ss;
153 fn(
"Scale(X,Y)", ss.str());
157 std::stringstream ss;
159 fn(
"Scale(W,H)", ss.str());
168 std::stringstream ss;
171 fn(
175 std::stringstream ss;
177 fn(
"Stride(X,Y)", ss.str());
181 std::stringstream ss;
183 fn(
"Dilation(X,Y)", ss.str());
205 fn(
"Min", std::to_string(desc.
206 fn(
"Max", std::to_string(desc.
220 fn(
"Axis", std::to_string(desc.
226 fn(
"Eps", std::to_string(desc.
244 std::stringstream ss;
246 for (
auto&& var : desc.
255 fn(
"Axis", ss.str());
257 fn(
"KeepDims", (desc.
m_KeepDims ?
"true" :
265 fn(
"NormSize", std::to_string(desc.
266 fn(
"Alpha", std::to_string(desc.
267 fn(
"Beta", std::to_string(desc.
268 fn(
"K", std::to_string(desc.
280 for (uint32_t view = 0; view < numViews; ++view)
282 std::stringstream key;
283 key <<
"MergeTo#" << view;
284 std::stringstream value;
288 for (uint32_t dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim)
294 value << viewData[dim];
297 fn(key.str(), value.str());
304 std::stringstream ss;
312 ss <<
"[" << var.first <<
"," << var.second <<
315 fn(
"PadList", ss.str());
317 fn(
"PadValue", std::to_string(desc.
342 std::stringstream ss;
345 fn(
"Padding(T,L,B,R)", ss.str());
349 std::stringstream ss;
351 fn(
"(Width,Height)", ss.str());
355 std::stringstream ss;
357 fn(
"Stride(X,Y)", ss.str());
370 std::stringstream ss;
374 fn(
"Padding(T,L,B,R,F,B)", ss.str());
378 std::stringstream ss;
380 fn(
"(Width,Height,Depth)", ss.str());
384 std::stringstream ss;
386 fn(
"Stride(X,Y,Z)", ss.str());
397 std::stringstream ss;
399 bool addComma =
411 fn(
417 std::stringstream ss;
419 for (
auto&& var : desc.
428 fn(
"Axis", ss.str());
430 fn(
"KeepDims", (desc.
m_KeepDims ?
"true" :
437 std::stringstream ss;
439 fn(
456 fn(
"Beta", std::to_string(desc.
457 fn(
"Axis", std::to_string(desc.
464 std::stringstream ss;
475 fn(
"BlockShape", ss.str());
479 std::stringstream ss;
487 ss <<
"[" << var.first <<
"," << var.second <<
490 fn(
"PadList", ss.str());
505 fn(
"Axis", std::to_string(desc.
508 std::stringstream ss;
510 fn(
518 std::stringstream ss;
520 for (
auto&& var : desc.
529 fn(
"Begin", ss.str());
533 std::stringstream ss;
535 for (
auto&& var : desc.
548 std::stringstream ss;
559 fn(
"Stride", ss.str());
563 fn(
"EndMask", std::to_string(desc.
573 std::stringstream ss;
584 fn(
"Multiples", ss.str());
592 std::stringstream ss;
595 fn(
599 std::stringstream ss;
601 fn(
"Stride(X,Y)", ss.str());
611 std::stringstream ss;
613 bool addComma =
625 fn(
632 for (uint32_t view = 0; view < numViews; ++view) {
633 std::stringstream key;
634 key <<
"ViewSizes#" << view;
635 std::stringstream value;
638 for (uint32_t dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim)
644 value << viewData[dim];
647 fn(key.str(), value.str());
650 fn(
"Axis", std::to_string(desc.
A BatchNormalizationDescriptor for the BatchNormalizationLayer.
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
constexpr char const * GetBinaryOperationAsCString(BinaryOperation operation)
uint32_t m_Axis
Axis to apply channel shuffle operation on.
unsigned int GetConcatAxis() const
Get the concatenation axis value.
bool m_ConstantWeights
Enable/disable constant weights and biases.
PaddingMethod m_PaddingMethod
The padding method to be used. (Exclude, IgnoreValue).
A ViewsDescriptor for the SplitterLayer.
float m_NmsScoreThreshold
NMS score threshold.
An ActivationDescriptor for the ActivationLayer.
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
bool m_TransposeX
Transpose the slices of each input tensor Transpose and Adjoint can not both be set to true for the s...
uint32_t GetNumViews() const
Get the number of views.
A FullyConnectedDescriptor for the FullyConnectedLayer.
float m_ScaleX
Center size encoding scale x.
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
FusedKernelType m_FusedKernelType
constexpr const char * GetResizeMethodAsCString(ResizeMethod method)
OutputShapeRounding m_OutputShapeRounding
The rounding method for the output shape. (Floor, Ceiling).
bool m_HalfPixelCenters
Half Pixel Centers.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
bool m_TransposeWeightMatrix
Enable/disable transpose weight matrix.
uint32_t m_TargetHeight
Target height value.
bool m_BiasEnabled
Enable/disable bias.
uint32_t m_PoolHeight
Pooling height value.
std::vector< int > m_Begin
Begin values for the input that will be sliced.
float m_ScaleY
Center size encoding scale y.
A Pooling3dDescriptor for the Pooling3dLayer.
bool m_AdjointX
Adjoint the slices of each input tensor Transpose and Adjoint can not both be set to true for the sam...
uint32_t m_MaxDetections
Maximum numbers of detections.
uint32_t m_PadFront
Padding front value in the depth dimension.
A ResizeDescriptor for the ResizeLayer.
float m_A
Alpha upper bound value used by the activation functions. (BoundedReLu, Linear, TanH,...
int32_t m_EllipsisMask
Ellipsis mask value.
bool HasAxis() const
Returns true if an axis has been set.
float m_Beta
Exponentiation value.
A GatherDescriptor for the GatherLayer.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
A L2NormalizationDescriptor for the L2NormalizationLayer.
float m_Beta
Beta value for the normalization equation.
uint32_t GetNumDimensions() const
Get the number of dimensions.
float m_Max
Maximum value.
A NormalizationDescriptor for the NormalizationLayer.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_BlockShape
Block shape values.
A ChannelShuffleDescriptor for the ChannelShuffle operator.
constexpr const char * GetDataLayoutName(DataLayout dataLayout)
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_BlockShape
Block shape value.
int32_t m_BeginMask
Begin mask value.
uint32_t m_DilationX
Dilation along x axis.
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
float m_ScaleW
Center size encoding scale weight.
A StackDescriptor for the StackLayer.
uint32_t m_StrideZ
Stride value when proceeding through input for the depth dimension.
uint32_t m_NormSize
Depth radius value.
uint32_t m_PoolWidth
Pooling width value.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCDHW, NDHWC).
constexpr char const * GetActivationFunctionAsCString(ActivationFunction activation)
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > m_Crops
The values to crop from the input dimension.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
uint32_t m_DilationY
Dilation along y axis.
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
uint32_t m_MaxClassesPerDetection
Maximum numbers of classes per detection, used in Fast NMS.
NormalizationAlgorithmMethod m_NormMethodType
Normalization method algorithm to use (LocalBrightness, LocalContrast).
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
ReduceOperation m_ReduceOperation
Specifies the reduction operation to execute.
unsigned int m_NumInputSlots
bool m_KeepDims
Enable/disable keep dimensions. If true, then the reduced dimensions that are of length 1 are kept.
constexpr char const * GetPaddingMethodAsCString(PaddingMethod method)
constexpr char const * GetFusedTypeAsCString(FusedKernelType type)
A ElementwiseBinaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseBinaryLayer.
const uint32_t * GetViewSizes(uint32_t idx) const
Get the view sizes at the int value idx.
PoolingAlgorithm m_PoolType
The pooling algorithm to use (Max. Average, L2).
ResizeMethod m_Method
The Interpolation method to use (Bilinear, NearestNeighbor).
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > m_PadList
Specifies the padding values for the input dimension: heightPad{top, bottom} widthPad{left,...
bool m_PeepholeEnabled
Enable/disable peephole.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
NormalizationAlgorithmChannel m_NormChannelType
Normalization channel algorithm to use (Across, Within).
A FusedDescriptor for the FusedLayer.
uint32_t m_NumInputs
Number of input tensors.
float m_ClippingThresProj
Clipping threshold value for the projection.
uint32_t m_PoolWidth
Pooling width value.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
uint32_t m_DilationY
Dilation factor value for height dimension.
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
int32_t GetAxis() const
Get the axis value.
PaddingMethod m_PaddingMethod
The padding method to be used. (Exclude, IgnoreValue).
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
bool m_BiasEnabled
Enable/disable bias.
A PadDescriptor for the PadLayer.
constexpr char const * GetPoolingAlgorithmAsCString(PoolingAlgorithm pooling)
A TransposeDescriptor for the TransposeLayer.
uint32_t m_DilationZ
Dilation along z axis.
const OriginsDescriptor & GetOrigins() const
Get the View Origins.
uint32_t m_NumClasses
Number of classes.
uint32_t m_Axis
0-based axis along which to stack the input tensors.
float m_NmsIouThreshold
Intersection over union threshold.
bool m_BiasEnabled
Enable/disable bias.
A ReshapeDescriptor for the ReshapeLayer.
float m_PadValue
Optional value to use for padding, defaults to 0.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
ActivationFunction m_Function
The activation function to use (Sigmoid, TanH, Linear, ReLu, BoundedReLu, SoftReLu,...
std::function< void(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)> ParameterStringifyFunction
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
A PermuteDescriptor for the PermuteLayer.
A BatchMatMulDescriptor for the BatchMatMul operator.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
unsigned int m_NumInputSlots
int32_t m_Axis
The axis in params to gather indices from.
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
A SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor for the SpaceToBatchNdLayer.
static void Serialize(ParameterStringifyFunction &, const LayerParameter &)
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
A Convolution3dDescriptor for the Convolution3dLayer.
TensorShape m_TargetShape
Target shape value.
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
constexpr const char * GetNormalizationAlgorithmChannelAsCString(NormalizationAlgorithmChannel channel)
int32_t m_EndMask
End mask value.
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
PermutationVector m_DimMappings
Indicates how to translate tensor elements from a given source into the target destination,...
uint32_t m_PadFront
Padding front value in the depth dimension.
TensorShape m_InputShape
Required shape of all input tensors.
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
uint32_t m_DetectionsPerClass
Detections per classes, used in Regular NMS.
float m_ScaleH
Center size encoding scale height.
bool m_KeepDims
if true then output shape has no change.
A BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor for the BatchToSpaceNdLayer.
A Convolution2dDescriptor for the Convolution2dLayer.
unsigned int m_NumOutputSlots
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
A ComparisonDescriptor for the ComparisonLayer.
ComparisonOperation m_Operation
Specifies the comparison operation to execute.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
UnaryOperation m_Operation
Specifies the elementwiseUnary operation to execute.
int32_t m_ShrinkAxisMask
Shrink axis mask value. If set, the nth specification shrinks the dimensionality by 1.
constexpr char const * GetOutputShapeRoundingAsCString(OutputShapeRounding rounding)
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
unsigned int m_BlockSize
Scalar specifying the input block size. It must be >= 1.
uint32_t m_TargetWidth
Target width value.
constexpr char const * GetPaddingModeAsCString(PaddingMode mode)
uint32_t m_PoolHeight
Pooling height value.
std::vector< int > m_Stride
Stride values for the input that will be sliced.
An LstmDescriptor for the LstmLayer.
A StridedSliceDescriptor for the StridedSliceLayer.
PermutationVector m_DimMappings
Indicates how to translate tensor elements from a given source into the target destination,...
uint32_t m_PadBack
Padding back value in the depth dimension.
bool m_AlignCorners
Aligned corners.
std::vector< uint32_t > m_Multiples
The vector to multiply the input shape by.
constexpr const char * GetNormalizationAlgorithmMethodAsCString(NormalizationAlgorithmMethod method)
std::vector< unsigned int > m_Axis
Values for the dimensions to reduce.
bool m_CifgEnabled
Enable/disable cifg (coupled input & forget gate).
float m_Alpha
Alpha value for the normalization equation.
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
constexpr char const * GetUnaryOperationAsCString(UnaryOperation operation)
constexpr char const * GetReduceOperationAsCString(ReduceOperation reduce_operation)
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
uint32_t m_DilationX
Dilation along x axis.
int m_Axis
Scalar, defaulted to the last index (-1), specifying the dimension the activation will be performed o...
uint32_t m_PadBack
Padding back value in the depth dimension.
std::vector< uint32_t > m_vAxis
The indices of the dimensions to reduce.
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > m_PadList
Specifies the padding for input dimension.
bool m_LayerNormEnabled
Enable/disable layer normalization.
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
uint32_t GetNumDimensions() const
Get the number of dimensions.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
unsigned int m_NumOutputSlots
BinaryOperation m_Operation
Specifies the elementwiseBinary operation to execute.
uint32_t m_DilationY
Dilation along y axis.
An OriginsDescriptor for the ConcatLayer.
Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors.
A ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseUnaryLayer.
A TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor for the TransposeConvolution2dLayer.
bool m_BiasEnabled
Enable/disable bias.
float m_B
Beta lower bound value used by the activation functions. (BoundedReLu, Linear, TanH).
uint32_t m_StrideZ
Stride value when proceeding through input for the depth dimension.
bool m_UseRegularNms
Use Regular NMS.
uint32_t GetNumViews() const
Get the number of views.
float m_K
Kappa value used for the across channel normalization equation.
float m_Min
Minimum value.
bool m_ProjectionEnabled
Enable/disable the projection layer.
std::vector< int > m_End
End values for the input that will be sliced.
PaddingMode m_PaddingMode
Specifies the Padding mode (Constant, Reflect or Symmetric)
OutputShapeRounding m_OutputShapeRounding
The rounding method for the output shape. (Floor, Ceiling).
bool m_BiasEnabled
Enable/disable bias.
A PreCompiledDescriptor for the PreCompiledLayer.
uint32_t m_NumGroups
Number of groups for the channel shuffle operation.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NDHWC, NCDHW).
float m_Eps
Used to avoid dividing by zero.
const uint32_t * GetViewOrigin(uint32_t idx) const
Return the view origin at the int value idx.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.
uint32_t m_ActivationFunc
The activation function to use.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
A DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor for the DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer.
A ReduceDescriptor for the REDUCE operators.
uint32_t m_DilationX
Dilation factor value for width dimension.
float m_Eps
Value to add to the variance. Used to avoid dividing by zero.
A FakeQuantizationDescriptor for the FakeQuantizationLayer.
float m_ClippingThresCell
Clipping threshold value for the cell state.
uint32_t m_PoolDepth
Pooling depth value.
int32_t m_NewAxisMask
New axis mask value.
constexpr char const * GetComparisonOperationAsCString(ComparisonOperation operation)
A MeanDescriptor for the MeanLayer.
A SoftmaxDescriptor for the SoftmaxLayer.
PoolingAlgorithm m_PoolType
The pooling algorithm to use (Max. Average, L2).
A SpaceToDepthDescriptor for the SpaceToDepthLayer.
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.