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22 template <
typename LayerParameter>
A BatchNormalizationDescriptor for the BatchNormalizationLayer.
A ViewsDescriptor for the SplitterLayer.
An ActivationDescriptor for the ActivationLayer.
A FullyConnectedDescriptor for the FullyConnectedLayer.
A Pooling3dDescriptor for the Pooling3dLayer.
A ResizeDescriptor for the ResizeLayer.
A GatherDescriptor for the GatherLayer.
A L2NormalizationDescriptor for the L2NormalizationLayer.
A NormalizationDescriptor for the NormalizationLayer.
A ChannelShuffleDescriptor for the ChannelShuffle operator.
A StackDescriptor for the StackLayer.
A ElementwiseBinaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseBinaryLayer.
A FusedDescriptor for the FusedLayer.
A PadDescriptor for the PadLayer.
A TransposeDescriptor for the TransposeLayer.
A ReshapeDescriptor for the ReshapeLayer.
std::function< void(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)> ParameterStringifyFunction
A PermuteDescriptor for the PermuteLayer.
A BatchMatMulDescriptor for the BatchMatMul operator.
A SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor for the SpaceToBatchNdLayer.
static void Serialize(ParameterStringifyFunction &, const LayerParameter &)
A Convolution3dDescriptor for the Convolution3dLayer.
StringifyLayerParameters allows serializing layer parameters to string.
A BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor for the BatchToSpaceNdLayer.
A Convolution2dDescriptor for the Convolution2dLayer.
A ComparisonDescriptor for the ComparisonLayer.
An LstmDescriptor for the LstmLayer.
A StridedSliceDescriptor for the StridedSliceLayer.
An OriginsDescriptor for the ConcatLayer.
Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors.
A ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseUnaryLayer.
A TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor for the TransposeConvolution2dLayer.
A PreCompiledDescriptor for the PreCompiledLayer.
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.
A DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor for the DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer.
A ReduceDescriptor for the REDUCE operators.
A FakeQuantizationDescriptor for the FakeQuantizationLayer.
A MeanDescriptor for the MeanLayer.
A SoftmaxDescriptor for the SoftmaxLayer.
A SpaceToDepthDescriptor for the SpaceToDepthLayer.