armnnUtils Namespace Reference




class  DataLayoutIndexed
 Provides access to the appropriate indexes for Channels, Height and Width based on DataLayout. More...
class  FloatingPointConverter
struct  IsFloatingPointIterator
class  ModelAccuracyChecker
struct  ParserPrototxtFixture
struct  SelectiveQuantizer
struct  SelectiveQuantizer< armnn::BFloat16, false >
struct  SelectiveQuantizer< armnn::Half, false >
struct  SelectiveQuantizer< T, false >


using TContainer = mapbox::util::variant< std::vector< float >, std::vector< int >, std::vector< unsigned char >, std::vector< int8_t > >
using LabelCategoryNames = std::vector< std::string >


template<typename T >
bool CompatibleTypes (armnn::DataType)
bool operator== (const armnn::DataLayout &dataLayout, const DataLayoutIndexed &indexed)
 Equality methods. More...
bool operator== (const DataLayoutIndexed &indexed, const armnn::DataLayout &dataLayout)
bool within_percentage_tolerance (float a, float b, float tolerancePercent=1.0f)
 Compare two floats and return true if their values are within a specified tolerance of each other. More...
armnn::TensorShape Permuted (const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
armnn::TensorInfo Permuted (const armnn::TensorInfo &info, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
void Permute (const armnn::TensorShape &dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings, const void *src, void *dst, size_t dataTypeSize)
template<typename T >
SelectiveQuantize (float value, float scale, int32_t offset)
template<typename T >
float SelectiveDequantize (T value, float scale, int32_t offset)
template<typename T , typename FloatIt , typename std::enable_if< IsFloatingPointIterator< FloatIt >::value, int >::type = 0>
std::vector< T > QuantizedVector (FloatIt first, FloatIt last, float qScale, int32_t qOffset)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > QuantizedVector (const std::vector< float > &array, float qScale=1.f, int32_t qOffset=0)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > QuantizedVector (std::initializer_list< float > array, float qScale=1.f, int32_t qOffset=0)
armnn::TensorShape GetTensorShape (unsigned int numberOfBatches, unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout)
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfo (unsigned int numberOfBatches, unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout, const armnn::DataType dataType)
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfo (unsigned int numberOfBatches, unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int depth, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout, const armnn::DataType dataType)
std::pair< float, float > FindMinMax (armnn::ITensorHandle *tensorHandle)
armnn::TensorShape ReduceDims (const armnn::TensorShape &tensorInfo, unsigned int dimensions)
armnn::TensorInfo ReduceDims (const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, unsigned int dimensions)
armnn::TensorShape ExpandDims (const armnn::TensorShape &tensorShape, int axis)
armnn::TensorShape ExpandDimsToRank (const armnn::TensorShape &tensorShape, unsigned int rank)
std::vector< unsigned int > SqueezeDims (const armnn::TensorShape &tensorShape)
unsigned int GetNumElementsBetween (const armnn::TensorShape &shape, unsigned int firstAxisInclusive, unsigned int lastAxisExclusive)
unsigned int GetUnsignedAxis (const unsigned int inputDimension, const int axis)
unsigned int GetNumElementsAfter (const armnn::TensorShape &shape, unsigned int axis)
std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< float > > GetPerAxisParams (const armnn::TensorInfo &info)
template<typename PrimitiveType >
std::unique_ptr< float[]> ToFloatArray (const std::vector< PrimitiveType > &data, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo)
std::unique_ptr< float[]> ToFloatArray (const std::vector< uint8_t > &data, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo)
armnn::TensorShape TransposeTensorShape (const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
armnn::TensorInfo TransposeTensorShape (const armnn::TensorInfo &info, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
void Transpose (const armnn::TensorShape &dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings, const void *src, void *dst, size_t dataTypeSize)
bool CompatibleTypes< float > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< Half > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< BFloat16 > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< uint8_t > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< int8_t > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< int16_t > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< int32_t > (DataType dataType)
bool CompatibleTypes< int64_t > (DataType dataType)
template<typename TNodeId , typename TTargetNodes >
bool GraphTopologicalSort (const TTargetNodes &targetNodes, std::function< std::vector< TNodeId >(TNodeId)> getIncomingEdges, std::vector< TNodeId > &outSorted)
std::vector< std::string > SplitBy (const std::string &originalString, const std::string &delimiter=" ", bool includeEmptyToken=false)
 Split a string into tokens by a delimiter. More...
std::string Strip (const std::string &originalString, const std::string &characterSet=" ")
 Remove any preceding and trailing character specified in the characterSet. More...
void ProcessConcatInputTensorInfo (armnn::TensorInfo &inputTensorInfo, armnn::OriginsDescriptor &concatDescriptor, const unsigned int &concatAxis, unsigned int inputIndex, unsigned int &mergeDimOrigin)
void CalculateReducedOutputTensoInfo (const armnn::TensorInfo &inputTensorInfo, const std::set< unsigned int > &axisSet, bool keepDims, armnn::TensorInfo &outputTensorInfo)
 Creates a tensor info after reducing the dimensions mentioned in axisData. More...
void CalculateStridedSliceOutputTensorInfo (const armnn::TensorInfo &inputTensorInfo, const armnn::StridedSliceDescriptor &desc, armnn::TensorInfo &outputTensorInfo)
 Create output tensor info for a StridedSlice operator. More...
std::string ConvertInt32ToOctalString (int value)
 Converts an int value into the Prototxt octal representation. More...
std::string ConvertTensorShapeToString (const armnn::TensorShape &shape)
 Converts an TensorShape into Prototxt representation. More...
template<typename TContainer >
armnn::InputTensors MakeInputTensors (const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &inputBindings, const std::vector< TContainer > &inputDataContainers)
template<typename TContainer >
armnn::OutputTensors MakeOutputTensors (const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &outputBindings, std::vector< TContainer > &outputDataContainers)
template<typename PrimitiveType >
void CheckSizes (const std::vector< PrimitiveType > &data, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, unsigned int size=1)
void CheckValidSize (std::initializer_list< size_t > validInputCounts, size_t actualValue, const char *validExpr, const char *actualExpr, const CheckLocation &location)
uint32_t NonNegative (const char *expr, int32_t value, const CheckLocation &location)
int32_t VerifyInt32 (const char *expr, int64_t value, const armnn::CheckLocation &location)


const armnn::PermutationVector NHWCToArmNN = { 0, 2, 3, 1 }
const armnn::PermutationVector ArmNNToNHWC = { 0, 3, 1, 2 }

Typedef Documentation

◆ LabelCategoryNames

using LabelCategoryNames = std::vector<std::string>

Definition at line 25 of file ModelAccuracyChecker.hpp.

◆ TContainer

using TContainer = mapbox::util::variant<std::vector<float>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<unsigned char>, std::vector<int8_t> >

Definition at line 18 of file TContainer.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CalculateReducedOutputTensoInfo()

void CalculateReducedOutputTensoInfo ( const armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo,
const std::set< unsigned int > &  axisSet,
bool  keepDims,
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo 

Creates a tensor info after reducing the dimensions mentioned in axisData.

Definition at line 52 of file ParserHelper.cpp.

56 {
57  std::vector<unsigned int> outputShapeVector;
58  bool dimensionFound = false;
59  unsigned int size = 1;
61  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
62  {
63  dimensionFound = false;
64  for (unsigned int axis: axisSet)
65  {
66  if (axis == i)
67  {
68  dimensionFound = true;
69  break;
70  }
71  }
73  if (!dimensionFound)
74  {
75  size *= inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[i];
77  if (keepDims)
78  {
79  outputShapeVector.push_back(inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[i]);
80  }
81  }
82  else
83  {
84  if (keepDims)
85  {
86  outputShapeVector.push_back(1);
87  }
88  }
89  }
91  if (keepDims)
92  {
93  armnn::TensorShape outputTensorShape(inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(), &outputShapeVector[0]);
94  outputTensorInfo = armnn::TensorInfo(outputTensorShape, inputTensorInfo.GetDataType());
95  }
96  else
97  {
98  outputTensorInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({size}, inputTensorInfo.GetDataType());
99  }
100 }

References TensorInfo::GetDataType(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), and TensorInfo::GetShape().

◆ CalculateStridedSliceOutputTensorInfo()

void CalculateStridedSliceOutputTensorInfo ( const armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo,
const armnn::StridedSliceDescriptor desc,
armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo 

Create output tensor info for a StridedSlice operator.

Definition at line 103 of file ParserHelper.cpp.

106 {
107  const armnn::TensorShape& inputShape = inputTensorInfo.GetShape();
109  std::vector<unsigned int> outputShapeVector;
110  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(); i++)
111  {
112  if (desc.m_ShrinkAxisMask & (1 << i))
113  {
114  continue;
115  }
117  int stride = desc.m_Stride[i];
118  int start = desc.GetStartForAxis(inputShape, i);
119  int stop = desc.GetStopForAxis(inputShape, i, start);
121  int newSize = stride > 0 ? ((stop - start) + stride - 1) / stride :
122  ((start - stop) - stride - 1) / -stride;
124  newSize = std::max(0, newSize);
126  outputShapeVector.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(newSize));
127  }
129  armnn::TensorShape outputTensorShape(inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(), &outputShapeVector[0]);
130  outputTensorInfo = armnn::TensorInfo(armnn::TensorShape(outputTensorShape), inputTensorInfo.GetDataType());
131 }

References TensorInfo::GetDataType(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), StridedSliceDescriptor::GetStartForAxis(), StridedSliceDescriptor::GetStopForAxis(), StridedSliceDescriptor::m_ShrinkAxisMask, and StridedSliceDescriptor::m_Stride.

◆ CheckSizes()

void armnnUtils::CheckSizes ( const std::vector< PrimitiveType > &  data,
const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo,
unsigned int  size = 1 

Definition at line 296 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

297 {
298  if (data.size() / size != tensorInfo.GetNumElements())
299  {
301  fmt::format("The data does not contain the expected number of elements {} != {}. {}",
302  data.size(), tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
303  }
304 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, and TensorInfo::GetNumElements().

Referenced by ToFloatArray().

◆ CheckValidSize()

void CheckValidSize ( std::initializer_list< size_t >  validInputCounts,
size_t  actualValue,
const char *  validExpr,
const char *  actualExpr,
const CheckLocation location 

Definition at line 16 of file VerificationHelpers.cpp.

21 {
22  bool isValid = std::any_of(validInputCounts.begin(),
23  validInputCounts.end(),
24  [&actualValue](size_t x) { return x == actualValue; } );
25  if (!isValid)
26  {
27  throw ParseException(fmt::format("{} = {} is not valid, not in {{}}. {}",
28  actualExpr,
29  actualValue,
30  validExpr,
31  location.AsString()));
32  }
33 }

References CheckLocation::AsString().

◆ CompatibleTypes()

bool CompatibleTypes ( armnn::DataType  )

Definition at line 17 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

18 {
19  return false;
20 }

◆ CompatibleTypes< BFloat16 >()

Definition at line 35 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

36 {
37  return dataType == DataType::BFloat16;
38 }

References armnn::BFloat16.

◆ CompatibleTypes< float >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< float > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 23 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

24 {
25  return dataType == DataType::Float32;
26 }

References armnn::Float32.

◆ CompatibleTypes< Half >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< Half > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 29 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

30 {
31  return dataType == DataType::Float16;
32 }

References armnn::Float16.

◆ CompatibleTypes< int16_t >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< int16_t > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 54 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

55 {
56  return dataType == DataType::QSymmS16;
57 }

References armnn::QSymmS16.

◆ CompatibleTypes< int32_t >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< int32_t > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 60 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

61 {
62  return dataType == DataType::Signed32;
63 }

References armnn::Signed32.

◆ CompatibleTypes< int64_t >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< int64_t > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 66 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

67 {
68  return dataType == DataType::Signed64;
69 }

References armnn::Signed64.

◆ CompatibleTypes< int8_t >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< int8_t > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 47 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

48 {
49  return dataType == DataType::QSymmS8
50  || dataType == DataType::QAsymmS8;
51 }

References armnn::QAsymmS8, and armnn::QSymmS8.

◆ CompatibleTypes< uint8_t >()

bool armnnUtils::CompatibleTypes< uint8_t > ( DataType  dataType)

Definition at line 41 of file CompatibleTypes.cpp.

42 {
43  return dataType == DataType::Boolean || dataType == DataType::QAsymmU8;
44 }

References armnn::Boolean, and armnn::QAsymmU8.

◆ ConvertInt32ToOctalString()

std::string ConvertInt32ToOctalString ( int  value)

Converts an int value into the Prototxt octal representation.

Definition at line 17 of file PrototxtConversions.cpp.

18 {
19  std::stringstream ss;
20  std::string returnString;
21  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
22  {
23  ss << "\\";
24  ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << std::oct << ((value >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF);
25  }
27  ss >> returnString;
28  return returnString;
29 }

◆ ConvertTensorShapeToString()

std::string ConvertTensorShapeToString ( const armnn::TensorShape shape)

Converts an TensorShape into Prototxt representation.

Definition at line 32 of file PrototxtConversions.cpp.

33 {
34  std::stringstream ss;
35  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < shape.GetNumDimensions() ; i++)
36  {
37  ss << "dim {\n";
38  ss << "size: " << std::to_string(shape[i]) << "\n";
39  ss << "}\n";
40  }
41  return ss.str();
43 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

◆ ExpandDims()

TensorShape ExpandDims ( const armnn::TensorShape tensorShape,
int  axis 

Definition at line 142 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

143 {
144  unsigned int outputDim = tensorShape.GetNumDimensions() + 1;
146  if (axis < -armnn::numeric_cast<int>(outputDim) || axis > armnn::numeric_cast<int>(tensorShape.GetNumDimensions()))
147  {
148  throw InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Invalid expansion axis {} for {}D input tensor. {}",
149  axis,
150  tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(),
151  CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
152  }
154  if (axis < 0)
155  {
156  axis = armnn::numeric_cast<int>(outputDim) + axis;
157  }
159  std::vector<unsigned int> outputShape;
160  outputShape.reserve(tensorShape.GetNumDimensions());
161  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
162  {
163  outputShape.push_back(tensorShape[i]);
164  }
165  outputShape.insert(outputShape.begin() + axis, 1);
167  return { outputDim, };
168 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, and TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

◆ ExpandDimsToRank()

TensorShape ExpandDimsToRank ( const armnn::TensorShape tensorShape,
unsigned int  rank 

Definition at line 170 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

171 {
172  // Can't expand if rank is smaller than current shape
173  if (tensorShape.GetNumDimensions() >= rank)
174  {
175  return tensorShape;
176  }
178  std::vector<unsigned int> newShape;
180  // First add 1s to the beginning of the tensorInfo to fill in the space
181  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rank - tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
182  {
183  newShape.push_back(1);
184  }
186  // Then iterate through the original shape and append it to the new shape with the added 1s
187  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
188  {
189  newShape.push_back(tensorShape[i]);
190  }
192  return TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(newShape.size()),;
193 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

◆ FindMinMax()

std::pair< float, float > FindMinMax ( armnn::ITensorHandle tensorHandle)

Definition at line 81 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

82 {
83  auto tensor_data = static_cast<const float *>(tensorHandle->Map(true));
84  auto tensor_size = tensorHandle->GetShape().GetNumElements();
86  // Set min/max initially to first value in tensor
87  float min = tensor_data[0];
88  float max = tensor_data[0];
90  // Loop over rest of tensor and update min/max if necessary
91  for (unsigned int val = 1; val < tensor_size; val++)
92  {
93  if (tensor_data[val] < min)
94  {
95  min = tensor_data[val];
96  }
97  else if (tensor_data[val] > max)
98  {
99  max = tensor_data[val];
100  }
101  }
103  tensorHandle->Unmap();
105  return std::make_pair(min, max);
106 }

References TensorShape::GetNumElements(), ITensorHandle::GetShape(), ITensorHandle::Map(), and ITensorHandle::Unmap().

◆ GetNumElementsAfter()

unsigned int GetNumElementsAfter ( const armnn::TensorShape shape,
unsigned int  axis 

Definition at line 261 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

262 {
263  unsigned int numDim = shape.GetNumDimensions();
264  if (axis >= numDim)
265  {
266  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format(
267  "{}: axis index [{}D] indexes beyond the number of dimesions of the tensor shape [{}D]",
268  "GetNumElementsAfter",
269  axis,
270  numDim));
271  }
272  unsigned int count = 1;
273  for (unsigned int i = axis+1; i < numDim; i++)
274  {
275  count *= shape[i];
276  }
277  return count;
278 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

Referenced by GetPerAxisParams(), PerAxisIterator< const int8_t, Decoder< float > >::PerAxisIterator(), and ToFloatArray().

◆ GetNumElementsBetween()

unsigned int GetNumElementsBetween ( const armnn::TensorShape shape,
unsigned int  firstAxisInclusive,
unsigned int  lastAxisExclusive 

Definition at line 209 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

212 {
213  if (firstAxisInclusive > lastAxisExclusive)
214  {
215  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format(
216  "GetNumElementsBetween: firstAxisInclusive [{}D] is greater than lastAxisExclusive [{}D]",
217  firstAxisInclusive,
218  lastAxisExclusive));
219  }
220  if (lastAxisExclusive > shape.GetNumDimensions())
221  {
222  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format(
223  "{}: lastAxisExclusive [{}D] is greater than the number of dimensions of the tensor shape [{}D]"
224  "GetNumElementsBetween",
225  lastAxisExclusive,
226  shape.GetNumDimensions()));
227  }
228  unsigned int count = 1;
229  for (unsigned int i = firstAxisInclusive; i < lastAxisExclusive; i++)
230  {
231  count *= shape[i];
232  }
233  return count;
234 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

Referenced by armnn::ArgMinMax(), armnn::LogSoftmax(), and armnn::Softmax().

◆ GetPerAxisParams()

std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< float > > GetPerAxisParams ( const armnn::TensorInfo info)

Definition at line 280 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

281 {
282  const std::vector<float>& scales = info.GetQuantizationScales();
283  armnn::Optional<unsigned int> quantizationDim = info.GetQuantizationDim();
284  if (!info.HasPerAxisQuantization())
285  {
287  std::string("Per-axis quantization params not set for tensor of type ") +
288  armnn::GetDataTypeName(info.GetDataType()), CHECK_LOCATION());
289  }
290  unsigned int axisFactor = GetNumElementsAfter(info.GetShape(), quantizationDim.value()) ;
292  return { axisFactor, scales };
293 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, armnn::GetDataTypeName(), GetNumElementsAfter(), armnn::info, and OptionalReferenceSwitch< IsReference, T >::value().

Referenced by armnn::MakeEncoder().

◆ GetTensorInfo() [1/2]

TensorInfo GetTensorInfo ( unsigned int  numberOfBatches,
unsigned int  numberOfChannels,
unsigned int  depth,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  width,
const armnn::DataLayout  dataLayout,
const armnn::DataType  dataType 

Definition at line 60 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

67 {
68  switch (dataLayout)
69  {
70  case DataLayout::NDHWC:
71  return TensorInfo({numberOfBatches, depth, height, width, numberOfChannels}, dataType);
72  case DataLayout::NCDHW:
73  return TensorInfo({numberOfBatches, numberOfChannels, depth, height, width}, dataType);
74  default:
75  throw InvalidArgumentException("Unknown data layout ["
76  + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(dataLayout)) +
77  "]", CHECK_LOCATION());
78  }
79 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, armnn::NCDHW, and armnn::NDHWC.

◆ GetTensorInfo() [2/2]

TensorInfo GetTensorInfo ( unsigned int  numberOfBatches,
unsigned int  numberOfChannels,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  width,
const armnn::DataLayout  dataLayout,
const armnn::DataType  dataType 

Definition at line 40 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

46 {
47  switch (dataLayout)
48  {
49  case DataLayout::NCHW:
50  return TensorInfo({numberOfBatches, numberOfChannels, height, width}, dataType);
51  case DataLayout::NHWC:
52  return TensorInfo({numberOfBatches, height, width, numberOfChannels}, dataType);
53  default:
54  throw InvalidArgumentException("Unknown data layout ["
55  + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(dataLayout)) +
56  "]", CHECK_LOCATION());
57  }
58 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, armnn::NCHW, and armnn::NHWC.

◆ GetTensorShape()

TensorShape GetTensorShape ( unsigned int  numberOfBatches,
unsigned int  numberOfChannels,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  width,
const armnn::DataLayout  dataLayout 

Definition at line 21 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

26 {
27  switch (dataLayout)
28  {
29  case DataLayout::NCHW:
30  return TensorShape({numberOfBatches, numberOfChannels, height, width});
31  case DataLayout::NHWC:
32  return TensorShape({numberOfBatches, height, width, numberOfChannels});
33  default:
34  throw InvalidArgumentException("Unknown data layout ["
35  + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(dataLayout)) +
36  "]", CHECK_LOCATION());
37  }
38 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, armnn::NCHW, and armnn::NHWC.

◆ GetUnsignedAxis()

unsigned int GetUnsignedAxis ( const unsigned int  inputDimension,
const int  axis 

Definition at line 236 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

237 {
238  if (axis >= armnn::numeric_cast<int>(inputDimension))
239  {
240  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format(
241  "{}: axis index [{}] is not less than the number of dimensions [{}D]",
242  "GetUnsignedAxis",
243  axis,
244  inputDimension));
245  }
246  if (axis < -armnn::numeric_cast<int>(inputDimension))
247  {
248  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format(
249  "{}: axis index [{}] lower than the negative of the number of dimensions [{}]",
250  "GetUnsignedAxis",
251  axis,
252  -armnn::numeric_cast<int>(inputDimension)));
253  }
255  unsigned int uAxis = axis < 0 ?
256  inputDimension - armnn::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(abs(axis))
257  : armnn::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(axis);
258  return uAxis;
259 }

Referenced by armnn::ArgMinMax(), ClArgMinMaxWorkload::ClArgMinMaxWorkload(), armnn::ComputeSplitAxis(), ArgMinMaxLayer::InferOutputShapes(), NeonArgMinMaxWorkload::NeonArgMinMaxWorkload(), and ArgMinMaxQueueDescriptor::Validate().

◆ GraphTopologicalSort()

bool armnnUtils::GraphTopologicalSort ( const TTargetNodes &  targetNodes,
std::function< std::vector< TNodeId >(TNodeId)>  getIncomingEdges,
std::vector< TNodeId > &  outSorted 

Definition at line 110 of file GraphTopologicalSort.hpp.

114 {
115  outSorted.clear();
116  std::map<TNodeId, NodeState> nodeStates;
118  for (TNodeId targetNode : targetNodes)
119  {
120  if (!TopologicallySort(targetNode, getIncomingEdges, outSorted, nodeStates))
121  {
122  return false;
123  }
124  }
126  return true;
127 }

◆ MakeInputTensors()

armnn::InputTensors armnnUtils::MakeInputTensors ( const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &  inputBindings,
const std::vector< TContainer > &  inputDataContainers 

Definition at line 17 of file TensorIOUtils.hpp.

19 {
20  armnn::InputTensors inputTensors;
22  const size_t numInputs = inputBindings.size();
23  if (numInputs != inputDataContainers.size())
24  {
25  throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format("The number of inputs does not match number of "
26  "tensor data containers: {0} != {1}",
27  numInputs,
28  inputDataContainers.size()));
29  }
31  for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
32  {
33  const armnn::BindingPointInfo& inputBinding = inputBindings[i];
34  const TContainer& inputData = inputDataContainers[i];
36  mapbox::util::apply_visitor([&](auto&& value)
37  {
38  if (value.size() != inputBinding.second.GetNumElements())
39  {
40  throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format("The input tensor has incorrect size (expected {0} got {1})",
41  inputBinding.second.GetNumElements(),
42  value.size()));
43  }
44  armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo = inputBinding.second;
45  inputTensorInfo.SetConstant(true);
46  armnn::ConstTensor inputTensor(inputTensorInfo,;
47  inputTensors.push_back(std::make_pair(inputBinding.first, inputTensor));
48  },
49  inputData);
50  }
52  return inputTensors;
53 }

References TensorInfo::SetConstant().

◆ MakeOutputTensors()

armnn::OutputTensors armnnUtils::MakeOutputTensors ( const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &  outputBindings,
std::vector< TContainer > &  outputDataContainers 

Definition at line 56 of file TensorIOUtils.hpp.

58 {
59  armnn::OutputTensors outputTensors;
61  const size_t numOutputs = outputBindings.size();
62  if (numOutputs != outputDataContainers.size())
63  {
64  throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format("Number of outputs does not match number"
65  "of tensor data containers: {0} != {1}",
66  numOutputs,
67  outputDataContainers.size()));
68  }
70  for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++)
71  {
72  const armnn::BindingPointInfo& outputBinding = outputBindings[i];
73  TContainer& outputData = outputDataContainers[i];
75  mapbox::util::apply_visitor([&](auto&& value)
76  {
77  if (value.size() != outputBinding.second.GetNumElements())
78  {
79  throw armnn::Exception("Output tensor has incorrect size");
80  }
82  armnn::Tensor outputTensor(outputBinding.second,;
83  outputTensors.push_back(std::make_pair(outputBinding.first, outputTensor));
84  },
85  outputData);
86  }
88  return outputTensors;
89 }

◆ NonNegative()

uint32_t NonNegative ( const char *  expr,
int32_t  value,
const CheckLocation location 

Definition at line 35 of file VerificationHelpers.cpp.

38 {
39  if (value < 0)
40  {
41  throw ParseException(fmt::format("'{}' must be non-negative, received: {} at {}",
42  expr,
43  value,
44  location.AsString()));
45  }
46  else
47  {
48  return static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
49  }
50 }

References CheckLocation::AsString().

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool operator== ( const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout,
const DataLayoutIndexed indexed 

Equality methods.

Definition at line 46 of file DataLayoutIndexed.cpp.

47 {
48  return dataLayout == indexed.GetDataLayout();
49 }

References DataLayoutIndexed::GetDataLayout().

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool operator== ( const DataLayoutIndexed indexed,
const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout 

Definition at line 51 of file DataLayoutIndexed.cpp.

52 {
53  return indexed.GetDataLayout() == dataLayout;
54 }

References DataLayoutIndexed::GetDataLayout().

◆ Permute()

void Permute ( const armnn::TensorShape dstShape,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings,
const void *  src,
void *  dst,
size_t  dataTypeSize 

Definition at line 164 of file Permute.cpp.

166 {
167  PermuteLoop(dstShape, mappings).Unroll(src, dst, dataTypeSize);
168 }

Referenced by armnnOnnxParser::CreateConstTensorImpl(), armnn::DepthToSpace(), PermuteLayer::PermuteLayer(), armnn::PermuteTensor(), and armnn_driver::SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn().

◆ Permuted() [1/2]

armnn::TensorInfo Permuted ( const armnn::TensorInfo info,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings 

Definition at line 148 of file Permute.cpp.

150 {
151  armnn::TensorInfo outInfo(info);
152  outInfo.SetShape(Permuted(info.GetShape(), mappings));
154  // If TensorInfo has Per-Axis Quantization then it also has a QuantizationDim which needs to
155  // be permuted according to the mapping
156  if (info.GetQuantizationDim().has_value())
157  {
158  outInfo.SetQuantizationDim(mappings[info.GetQuantizationDim().value()]);
159  }
161  return outInfo;
162 }

References armnn::info, Permuted(), TensorInfo::SetQuantizationDim(), and TensorInfo::SetShape().

◆ Permuted() [2/2]

armnn::TensorShape Permuted ( const armnn::TensorShape srcShape,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings 

Definition at line 125 of file Permute.cpp.

127 {
128  if (srcShape.GetNumDimensions() != mappings.GetSize())
129  {
130  std::stringstream msg;
131  msg << "Permute: Number of shape dimensions (" << srcShape.GetNumDimensions() <<
132  ") does not match the size of the mappings (" << mappings.GetSize() << ")";
133  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(msg.str());
134  }
136  const unsigned int numDims = mappings.GetSize();
137  unsigned int outDims[armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions];
139  for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < numDims; ++i)
140  {
141  outDims[mappings[i]] = srcShape[i];
142  }
144  armnn::TensorShape permutedShape(numDims, outDims);
145  return permutedShape;
146 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), PermutationVector::GetSize(), and armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions.

Referenced by armnn::Convert1HWOTensorInfoToAcl(), armnn::ConvertWeightTensorInfoFromArmnnToAcl(), armnnOnnxParser::CreateConstTensorImpl(), BatchMatMulLayer::InferOutputShapes(), PermuteLayer::InferOutputShapes(), Permuted(), armnn::PermuteTensor(), MovePermuteUpImpl::Run(), armnn_driver::SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn(), and BatchMatMulQueueDescriptor::Validate().

◆ ProcessConcatInputTensorInfo()

void ProcessConcatInputTensorInfo ( armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo,
armnn::OriginsDescriptor concatDescriptor,
const unsigned int &  concatAxis,
unsigned int  inputIndex,
unsigned int &  mergeDimOrigin 

Definition at line 19 of file ParserHelper.cpp.

24 {
25  const uint32_t inputRank = concatDescriptor.GetNumDimensions();
27  // double check dimensions of the tensors
28  if (inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions() != inputRank)
29  {
30  throw armnn::ParseException(fmt::format(
31  "The number of dimensions: {0} for input tensors of the "
32  "concatenation op should be {1} {2}",
33  inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(),
34  inputRank,
35  CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
36  }
38  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < concatAxis; ++j)
39  {
40  concatDescriptor.SetViewOriginCoord(inputIndex, j, 0);
41  }
43  concatDescriptor.SetViewOriginCoord(inputIndex, concatAxis, mergeDimOrigin);
44  mergeDimOrigin += inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[concatAxis];
46  for (unsigned int j = concatAxis + 1; j < inputRank; ++j)
47  {
48  concatDescriptor.SetViewOriginCoord(inputIndex, j, 0);
49  }
50 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), OriginsDescriptor::GetNumDimensions(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), and OriginsDescriptor::SetViewOriginCoord().

◆ QuantizedVector() [1/3]

std::vector<T> armnnUtils::QuantizedVector ( const std::vector< float > &  array,
float  qScale = 1.f,
int32_t  qOffset = 0 

Definition at line 121 of file QuantizeHelper.hpp.

122 {
123  return QuantizedVector<T>(array.begin(), array.end(), qScale, qOffset);
124 }

◆ QuantizedVector() [2/3]

std::vector<T> armnnUtils::QuantizedVector ( FloatIt  first,
FloatIt  last,
float  qScale,
int32_t  qOffset 

Definition at line 105 of file QuantizeHelper.hpp.

106 {
107  std::vector<T> quantized;
108  quantized.reserve(armnn::numeric_cast<size_t>(std::distance(first, last)));
110  for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it)
111  {
112  auto f = *it;
113  T q = SelectiveQuantize<T>(f, qScale, qOffset);
114  quantized.push_back(q);
115  }
117  return quantized;
118 }

◆ QuantizedVector() [3/3]

std::vector<T> armnnUtils::QuantizedVector ( std::initializer_list< float >  array,
float  qScale = 1.f,
int32_t  qOffset = 0 

Definition at line 127 of file QuantizeHelper.hpp.

128 {
129  return QuantizedVector<T>(array.begin(), array.end(), qScale, qOffset);
130 }

◆ ReduceDims() [1/2]

TensorInfo ReduceDims ( const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo,
unsigned int  dimensions 

Definition at line 134 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

135 {
136  TensorInfo strippedTensor(tensorInfo);
137  TensorShape strippedShape = ReduceDims(tensorInfo.GetShape(), dimensions);
138  strippedTensor.SetShape(strippedShape);
139  return strippedTensor;
140 }

References TensorInfo::GetShape(), ReduceDims(), and TensorInfo::SetShape().

◆ ReduceDims() [2/2]

TensorShape ReduceDims ( const armnn::TensorShape tensorInfo,
unsigned int  dimensions 

Definition at line 108 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

109 {
110  if (tensorShape.GetNumDimensions() <= dimensions)
111  {
112  return tensorShape;
113  }
114  std::vector<unsigned int> newShape;
116  unsigned int dimsToSkip = tensorShape.GetNumDimensions() - dimensions;
117  unsigned int dimsSkipped = 0;
118  bool insertRemainder = false;
120  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
121  {
122  if (tensorShape[i] == 1 && dimsSkipped < dimsToSkip && !insertRemainder)
123  {
124  ++dimsSkipped;
125  continue;
126  }
127  newShape.push_back(tensorShape[i]);
128  // Once we insert the first dimension we can't skip any more
129  insertRemainder = true;
130  }
131  return TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(newShape.size()),;
132 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

Referenced by ReduceDims().

◆ SelectiveDequantize()

float armnnUtils::SelectiveDequantize ( value,
float  scale,
int32_t  offset 

Definition at line 91 of file QuantizeHelper.hpp.

92 {
93  return SelectiveQuantizer<T, armnn::IsQuantizedType<T>()>::Dequantize(value, scale, offset);
94 };

◆ SelectiveQuantize()

T armnnUtils::SelectiveQuantize ( float  value,
float  scale,
int32_t  offset 

Definition at line 85 of file QuantizeHelper.hpp.

86 {
87  return SelectiveQuantizer<T, armnn::IsQuantizedType<T>()>::Quantize(value, scale, offset);
88 };

◆ SplitBy()

std::vector< std::string > SplitBy ( const std::string &  originalString,
const std::string &  delimiter = " ",
bool  includeEmptyToken = false 

Split a string into tokens by a delimiter.

[in]originalStringOriginal string to be split
[in]delimiterDelimiter used to split originalString
[in]includeEmptyToeknIf true, include empty tokens in the result
A vector of tokens split from originalString by \delimiter

Definition at line 41 of file ModelAccuracyChecker.cpp.

42 {
43  std::vector<std::string> tokens;
44  size_t cur = 0;
45  size_t next = 0;
46  while ((next = originalString.find(delimiter, cur)) != std::string::npos)
47  {
48  // Skip empty tokens, unless explicitly stated to include them.
49  if (next - cur > 0 || includeEmptyToken)
50  {
51  tokens.push_back(originalString.substr(cur, next - cur));
52  }
53  cur = next + delimiter.size();
54  }
55  // Get the remaining token
56  // Skip empty tokens, unless explicitly stated to include them.
57  if (originalString.size() - cur > 0 || includeEmptyToken)
58  {
59  tokens.push_back(originalString.substr(cur, originalString.size() - cur));
60  }
61  return tokens;
62 }

◆ SqueezeDims()

std::vector< unsigned int > SqueezeDims ( const armnn::TensorShape tensorShape)

Definition at line 195 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

196 {
197  std::vector<unsigned int> squeezedDims;
199  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
200  {
201  if (tensorShape[i] != 1)
202  {
203  squeezedDims.push_back(tensorShape[i]);
204  }
205  }
206  return squeezedDims;
207 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions().

Referenced by Layer::ValidateAndCopyShape().

◆ Strip()

std::string Strip ( const std::string &  originalString,
const std::string &  characterSet = " " 

Remove any preceding and trailing character specified in the characterSet.

[in]originalStringOriginal string to be stripped
[in]characterSetSet of characters to be stripped from originalString
A string stripped of all characters specified in characterSet from originalString

Definition at line 65 of file ModelAccuracyChecker.cpp.

66 {
67  if (characterSet.empty())
68  {
69  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException("Strip: string of characters to strip is empty");
70  }
71  const std::size_t firstFound = originalString.find_first_not_of(characterSet);
72  const std::size_t lastFound = originalString.find_last_not_of(characterSet);
73  // Return empty if the originalString is empty or the originalString contains only to-be-striped characters
74  if (firstFound == std::string::npos || lastFound == std::string::npos)
75  {
76  return "";
77  }
78  return originalString.substr(firstFound, lastFound + 1 - firstFound);
79 }

◆ ToFloatArray() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< float[]> ToFloatArray ( const std::vector< PrimitiveType > &  data,
const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo 

Definition at line 307 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

308 {
309  CheckSizes(data, tensorInfo);
311  std::unique_ptr<float[]> returnBuffer(new float[tensorInfo.GetNumElements()]);
313  if (tensorInfo.HasPerAxisQuantization())
314  {
315  unsigned int axis = tensorInfo.GetQuantizationDim().value();
316  auto axisDimensionality = tensorInfo.GetShape()[axis];
317  auto axisFactor = armnnUtils::GetNumElementsAfter(tensorInfo.GetShape(), axis);
319  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorInfo.GetNumElements(); ++i)
320  {
321  unsigned int axisIndex;
323  if (i < axisFactor)
324  {
325  axisIndex = 0;
326  }
327  else
328  {
329  axisIndex = (i / axisFactor) % axisDimensionality;
330  }
331  returnBuffer[i] = Dequantize<PrimitiveType>(data[i],
332  tensorInfo.GetQuantizationScales()[axisIndex],
333  tensorInfo.GetQuantizationOffset());
334  }
335  }
336  else
337  {
338  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorInfo.GetNumElements(); ++i)
339  {
340  returnBuffer[i] = Dequantize<PrimitiveType>(data[i],
341  tensorInfo.GetQuantizationScale(),
342  tensorInfo.GetQuantizationOffset());
343  }
344  }
345  return returnBuffer;
346 }

References CheckSizes(), TensorInfo::GetNumElements(), GetNumElementsAfter(), TensorInfo::GetQuantizationDim(), TensorInfo::GetQuantizationOffset(), TensorInfo::GetQuantizationScale(), TensorInfo::GetQuantizationScales(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), TensorInfo::HasPerAxisQuantization(), and OptionalReferenceSwitch< IsReference, T >::value().

◆ ToFloatArray() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< float[]> ToFloatArray ( const std::vector< uint8_t > &  data,
const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo 

Definition at line 348 of file TensorUtils.cpp.

349 {
350  if (tensorInfo.GetDataType() == DataType::QAsymmS8 || tensorInfo.GetDataType() == DataType::QSymmS8)
351  {
352  CheckSizes(data, tensorInfo);
353  std::vector<int8_t> buffer(tensorInfo.GetNumElements());
354  ::memcpy(,, data.size());
355  return ToFloatArray<int8_t>(buffer, tensorInfo);
356  }
357  else if (tensorInfo.GetDataType() == DataType::QAsymmU8)
358  {
359  CheckSizes(data, tensorInfo);
360  return ToFloatArray<uint8_t>(data, tensorInfo);
361  }
362  else if (tensorInfo.GetDataType() == DataType::Signed32)
363  {
364  CheckSizes(data, tensorInfo, 4);
365  std::vector<int32_t> buffer(tensorInfo.GetNumElements());
366  ::memcpy(,, data.size());
367  return ToFloatArray<int32_t>(buffer, tensorInfo);
368  }
369  else if (tensorInfo.GetDataType() == DataType::Signed64)
370  {
371  CheckSizes(data, tensorInfo, 8);
372  std::vector<int64_t> buffer(tensorInfo.GetNumElements());
373  ::memcpy(,, data.size());
374  return ToFloatArray<int64_t>(buffer, tensorInfo);
375  }
377  fmt::format("Unsupported datatype {}. {}",
378  GetDataTypeName(tensorInfo.GetDataType()),
379  CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
380 }

References CHECK_LOCATION, CheckSizes(), TensorInfo::GetDataType(), armnn::GetDataTypeName(), TensorInfo::GetNumElements(), armnn::QAsymmS8, armnn::QAsymmU8, armnn::QSymmS8, armnn::Signed32, and armnn::Signed64.

◆ Transpose()

void Transpose ( const armnn::TensorShape dstShape,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings,
const void *  src,
void *  dst,
size_t  dataTypeSize 

Definition at line 153 of file Transpose.cpp.

155 {
156  TransposeLoop(srcShape, mappings).Unroll(src, dst, dataTypeSize);
157 }

Referenced by TransposeLayer::TransposeLayer().

◆ TransposeTensorShape() [1/2]

armnn::TensorInfo TransposeTensorShape ( const armnn::TensorInfo info,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings 

Definition at line 146 of file Transpose.cpp.

147 {
148  armnn::TensorInfo outInfo(info);
149  outInfo.SetShape(TransposeTensorShape(info.GetShape(), mappings));
150  return outInfo;
151 }

References armnn::info, TensorInfo::SetShape(), and TransposeTensorShape().

◆ TransposeTensorShape() [2/2]

armnn::TensorShape TransposeTensorShape ( const armnn::TensorShape srcShape,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings 

Definition at line 125 of file Transpose.cpp.

126 {
127  if (srcShape.GetNumDimensions() != mappings.GetSize())
128  {
129  std::stringstream msg;
130  msg << "Transpose: Number of shape dimensions (" << srcShape.GetNumDimensions() <<
131  ") does not match the size of the mappings (" << mappings.GetSize() << ")";
132  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(msg.str());
133  }
135  const unsigned int numDims = mappings.GetSize();
136  unsigned int outDims[armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions];
138  for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < numDims; ++i)
139  {
140  outDims[i] = srcShape[mappings[i]];
141  }
142  armnn::TensorShape permutedShape(numDims, outDims);
143  return permutedShape;
144 }

References TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), PermutationVector::GetSize(), and armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions.

Referenced by TransposeLayer::InferOutputShapes(), MoveTransposeUpImpl::Run(), and TransposeTensorShape().

◆ VerifyInt32()

int32_t VerifyInt32 ( const char *  expr,
int64_t  value,
const armnn::CheckLocation location 

Definition at line 52 of file VerificationHelpers.cpp.

55 {
56  if (value < std::numeric_limits<int>::min() || value > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
57  {
58  throw ParseException(fmt::format("'{}' must should fit into a int32 (ArmNN don't support int64),"
59  " received: {} at {}",
60  expr,
61  value,
62  location.AsString()));
63  }
64  else
65  {
66  return static_cast<int32_t>(value);
67  }
68 }

References CheckLocation::AsString().

◆ within_percentage_tolerance()

bool armnnUtils::within_percentage_tolerance ( float  a,
float  b,
float  tolerancePercent = 1.0f 

Compare two floats and return true if their values are within a specified tolerance of each other.

tolerancePercentageIf not supplied default will be 1% tolerance (1.0f)
true if the value of float b is within tolerancePercentage of the value for float a.

Definition at line 20 of file FloatingPointComparison.hpp.

21 {
22  float toleranceValue = std::fabs(a * (tolerancePercent / 100));
23  return std::fabs(a - b) <= toleranceValue;
24 }

Variable Documentation


const armnn::PermutationVector ArmNNToNHWC = { 0, 3, 1, 2 }

Definition at line 17 of file ParserHelper.cpp.


const armnn::PermutationVector NHWCToArmNN = { 0, 2, 3, 1 }

Definition at line 16 of file ParserHelper.cpp.

std::pair< armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo > BindingPointInfo
Definition: Tensor.hpp:276
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and a mutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:321
unsigned int GetNumElements() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:198
armnn::Optional< unsigned int >
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class ConstTensor > > InputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:394
std::vector< float > GetQuantizationScales() const
Definition: Tensor.cpp:451
float GetQuantizationScale() const
Definition: Tensor.cpp:461
Definition: Tensor.hpp:152
uint32_t GetNumDimensions() const
Get the number of dimensions.
Definition: Descriptors.cpp:192
constexpr const char * GetDataTypeName(DataType dataType)
Definition: TypesUtils.hpp:233
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:197
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:203
armnn::DataLayout GetDataLayout() const
Definition: DataLayoutIndexed.hpp:22
virtual TensorShape GetShape() const =0
Get the number of elements for each dimension ordered from slowest iterating dimension to fastest ite...
constexpr unsigned int MaxNumOfTensorDimensions
Definition: Types.hpp:31
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class Tensor > > OutputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:395
armnn::TensorShape Permuted(const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
Definition: Permute.cpp:125
armnn::TensorShape TransposeTensorShape(const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
Definition: Transpose.cpp:125
bool HasPerAxisQuantization() const
Definition: Tensor.cpp:446
std::string AsString() const
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:29
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< Source >::value &&std::is_unsigned< Dest >::value, Dest > numeric_cast(Source source)
Definition: NumericCast.hpp:35
int GetStopForAxis(const TensorShape &inputShape, unsigned int axis, int startForAxis) const
Definition: Descriptors.cpp:420
Definition: Tensor.hpp:20
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Function that returns the tensor rank.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:174
Optional< unsigned int > GetQuantizationDim() const
Definition: Tensor.cpp:498
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:80
float Dequantize(QuantizedType value, float scale, int32_t offset)
Dequantize an 8-bit data type into a floating point data type.
Definition: TypesUtils.cpp:48
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46
virtual void Unmap() const =0
Unmap the tensor data.
QuantizedType Quantize(float value, float scale, int32_t offset)
Quantize a floating point data type into an 8-bit data type.
Definition: TypesUtils.cpp:30
@ info
DataType GetDataType() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:200
int32_t m_ShrinkAxisMask
Shrink axis mask value. If set, the nth specification shrinks the dimensionality by 1.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1355
std::vector< int > m_Stride
Stride values for the input that will be sliced.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1346
SizeType GetSize() const
Definition: Types.hpp:357
Definition: Abs.hpp:13
const TensorShape & GetShape() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:193
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:92
void CheckSizes(const std::vector< PrimitiveType > &data, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, unsigned int size=1)
Definition: TensorUtils.cpp:296
int GetStartForAxis(const TensorShape &inputShape, unsigned int axis) const
Definition: Descriptors.cpp:393
unsigned int GetNumElementsAfter(const armnn::TensorShape &shape, unsigned int axis)
Definition: TensorUtils.cpp:261
Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors.
Definition: 01_00_quick_start.dox:6
Status SetViewOriginCoord(uint32_t view, uint32_t coord, uint32_t value)
@Brief Set the view origin coordinates.
Definition: Descriptors.cpp:167
armnn::TensorShape ReduceDims(const armnn::TensorShape &tensorInfo, unsigned int dimensions)
Definition: TensorUtils.cpp:108
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and an immutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:329
void SetConstant(const bool IsConstant=true)
Marks the data corresponding to this tensor info as constant.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:518
mapbox::util::variant< std::vector< float >, std::vector< int >, std::vector< unsigned char >, std::vector< int8_t > > TContainer
Definition: TContainer.hpp:18
int32_t GetQuantizationOffset() const
Definition: Tensor.cpp:482
unsigned int GetNumElements() const
Function that calculates the tensor elements by multiplying all dimension size which are Specified.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:181
const T & value() const
Definition: Optional.hpp:146
virtual const void * Map(bool blocking=true) const =0
Map the tensor data for access.