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OpenGL ES SDK for Android
ARM Developer Center
The application simulates cellular automata phenomenon following Rule 30 using OpenGL ES 3.0.
It's assumed that you have read and understood all of the mechanisms described in Asset Loading,Simple Triangle and Texture Cube.
It uses two programs which operate on two textures used in a ping-pong manner. The first program takes the ping texture (ping) as the input and renders the output to a second texture (pong). Rendering in this case is performed by drawing one row at a time, with each row having height of 1 pixel and being of screen width. Excluding the first row, each row is drawn by reading one row above the currently processed one and applying the cellular automata rule. The first row's contents are set by the application. Since we cannot draw and read from the same texture at a single time, the drawing is performed one row at a time. After a row is drawn to texture A, the application binds texture B for drawing and uses texture A for reading the previous line. In the end, texture A contains even rows and texture B contains odd rows.
Having finished drawing lines to these two textures, we run another GL program that merges both textures into a single one by using texture A for even lines and texture B for odd ones.
In order to be able to render to a texture, we use a custom frame-buffer.
For the first run, the input line has only one pixel lit, so it generates the commonly known Rule 30 pattern. Then, every 5 seconds, textures are reset and the input is randomly generated.
As already mentioned in Overview, there are two texture objects being used in the application. So the first step is to generate them and prepare for use. We use a ping-pong technique so we will use the corresponding names for variables that will store texture IDs to make the algorithm more clearere.
Generate texture objects.
Bind texture object to specific texture unit and set its property for the ping texture,
bind texture object to specific texture unit and set its property for the pong texture,
where texture units are being defined as
Please note, that only in the case of one of the textures (the ping one) is it already filled with data, in case of the pong one, there is only a data store being defined. The data used as an input for the ping texture is generated within the generateRule30Input() call.
In the application, we will use a render to texture technique, which is why we need to create a framebuffer object as well. Just to clarify: rendering into texture can be achieved by using (during a draw call) a framebuffer object (with the ID different from 0), to which there is a texture object bound.
Then, if a framebuffer object is bound,
we can call one of the functions shown below to indicate, in which texture object the result of rendering will be stored.
If we are no longer interested in rendering into a texture object and would like the rendering result to be displayed on screen, we need to use the default framebuffer object, which means we have to call
In the application, we are using two program objects: the first one is responsible for generating data accordingly to Rule 30, while the second one is used to merging the calculated data and display the result on screen. The main mechanism of generating program objects looks like the following (the idea is shown for the first program object):
It's always a good idea to verify whether the attributes and uniforms are considered as active within the program object. This is why we need to check the returned location value (-1 location value means that the attribute or the uniform has not been found).
Now, if you are interested in setting values for the attributes, and we know you are and would like to set quad coordinates and texture UVs, it's enough to prepare a Vertex Array Object.
First of all, create the object
and bind it.
Now, when a vertex array object became active, we can set the input data for it. It's achieved by using array buffer objects.
Please note that in this section we are describing only one program object, so we will discuss the usage of the first two buffer objects only (linePositionBOID and lineUVBOID).
Fill one of the buffer objects with quad coordinates data.
Fill the second one with texture UVs data.
The important thing you can find above is the fact that we are binding the attribute location with a specific input data set by calling glVertexAttribPointer().
If you would like to use the specific attributes input data during a draw call, you should remember to make the required vertex array object active for the draw call by calling glBindVertexArray().
If you now would want to set data for the uniforms, you should call one of glUniform() family function, as the examples shown below. The function that should be used depends on the uniform type. If the uniform is of a matrix4x4 type, we should call glUniformMatrix4fv(), a single float value: glUniform1f(), a texture sampler: glUniform1i(). If a uniform value is constant during the rendering process, we can set it once, if it's changing we should call the specific glUniform() function every time we want to update the uniform value.
The algorithm is based on the two main steps:
The first step is considered as follows: we want to render a single row then, depending on the first row, we want to draw a second row and so on, till the whole screen is rendered. The problem is that, we cannot read from and render to the same texture object at the same time. This is why we need two texture objects, each of which will store the even or odd lines of data. So it looks like described below: we render the first row and store the result in the ping texture. Then we want to render a second line based on the data in the first one: in the program object we sample the ping texture and based on the retrieved data, we are generating the current line and store the result in the pong texture. Then, during third line rendering, we use pong texture as an input and store data in the ping texture. It seems to be complicated, however the concept is very simple and is shown in the code presented below. Please note that for each iteration, the input and output textures are switched. The input texture is updated by calling glUniform1i() and the output texture by calling glFramebufferTexture2D().
When this step is completed, we are ready to perform the second step. The main idea here is to take those two textures: the ping and the pong ones and merge them as shown below. Please note that the default framebuffer object is made active, which means the result will be shown on screen.
In the application we wanted to issue the algorithm many times based on the different input data. For the first time, we use the data generated as described in the previous section Prepare Textures. For each following iteration we use the data generated with the algorithm presented below.
and substitute the ping texture data with the new one by calling