Arm Virtual Hardware  Version 2.1.0
AVH FVP Example Projects
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AWS MQTT Example

This example is based on AWS coreMQTT mutual authentication demo and demonstrates how to use cloud-connectivity on Arm Virtual Hardware (AVH) via VSocket interface, and how to verify such communication with Continuous Integration (CI) workflows. The project is maintained in the GitHub repository that also contains additional description of the example.


The AWS MQTT Example application connects to AWS MQTT broker using TLS with mutual authentication between the client and the server. As a network interface either Ethernet or WiFi can be used on hardware boards, or VSocket on Arm FVP models. The application subscribes to MQTT topics and publishes messages that can be observed in AWS IoT MQTT client.

Automated test execution is managed with GitHub Actions and gets triggered on every code change in the repository. The program gets built and run on Arm Virtual Hardware cloud infrastructure in AWS and the test results can be then observed in repository's GitHub Actions.


Following is required to reproduce operation of the example project:

Device commissioning

In order to communicate with the AWS IoT service the embedded application needs to be commissioned with proper connection and security parameters that match the configuration in the cloud service. Create AWS IoT Thing describes how to setup necessary endpoint in the AWS and Commission parameters to device explains how to apply the parameters in the embedded code.

Create AWS IoT Thing

The communication and security parameters can be obtained from AWS IoT Core service. Steps below explain the process for this example and AWS tutorial Create AWS IoT provides general overview and additional references.

Create an AWS IoT Thing for your device as follows:

  • From your AWS Management Console browse to the AWS IoT Core service.
  • In the left navigation pane, choose Manage, and then choose Things.
  • On the Things page click Create things button, choose Create a single thing and proceed further.
  • In the thing properties provide a name for your thing (for example MyThing), keep other parameters at default and then choose Next. Later you will need to provision the same name to the embedded code.
  • Choose to Auto-generate a certificate for your thing.
  • When offered to attach policies to certificate, click Create policy to open corresponding page in a separate browser tab. There:
    • Enter a name for the policy (for example “MyThingPolicy”).
    • In the Policy document area add new statements, each with Policy effect set to Allow and following values in Policy action respectively:
      • iot:Connect
      • iot:Publish
      • iot:Subscribe
      • iot:Receive
    • In the Policy resource set * for all statements.
    • Click on Create and observe the new policy appeared in the list.
  • Return to the browser tab where offered to attach policies to certifate and observe the created. There:
    • Select the policy to be attached to the certificate.
    • Click Create thing.
    • Download the certicate, public and private keys by choosing the Download links for each.
  • Make a note of your Device data endpoint.
    • In the navigation pane of the AWS IoT console, choose Settings and there find the Device data endpoint such as to have it ready for later.

Now you have all information required for connecting your device to the AWS IoT Cloud.

Commission parameters to device

In the example code the required commissioning parameters are defined in the following files:

Note: when the project is imported to uVision these files are present in the demos_include group.

Specifically following definitions need to be updated:

  • clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT: Device data endpoint
    • Take the value in AWS IoT Console under Settings, it appears in format such as
  • clientcredentialIOT_THING_NAME: Thing Name
  • keyCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM: Client Security Certificate
    • Provide here the value from the device certificate file (**.perm.crt*) associated with the AWS Thing named above.
  • keyCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM: Client Private Key
    • Provide here the value from the private key file of the certificate associated with the AWS Thing named above.
  • clientcredentialWIFI_SSID: WiFi Access Point SSID (when connecting via WiFi, can be empty otherwise).
  • clientcredentialWIFI_PASSWORD: WiFi Access Point Password (when connecting via WiFi, can be empty otherwise).

Note that when running the example on Arm Virtual Hardware using GitHub Actions, corresponding definitions (non-WiFi) are automatically updated in the code with values stored in GitHub Secrets.

Setup of CI Test

To build and run this application program with a GitHub Actions workflow the following steps are required. For details refer to Run AMI with GitHub Actions.

  1. Amazon Web Service (AWS) account with:
    • Amazon EC2 (elastic cloud) access
    • Amazon S3 (storage) access
    • Registration to access AVH Amazon Machine Image AVH AMI
    • User role setup for scripted API access
  2. GitHub:

GitHub Secrets

The following (secret) configuration values need to be added to the repositories as GitHub Secrets.

Secret Name Description
AWS Access Settings and credentials required to acces AWS EC2 and S3 services
AWS_IAM_PROFILE The IAM Role to be used for AWS access.
Access key pair for the AWS account (as IAM user) that shall be used by the CI workflow for AWS access.
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME The name of the S3 storage bucket to be used for data exchange between GitHub and AWS AMI.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION The data center region the AVH AMI will be run on. For example eu-west-1.
AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID The id of the VPC security group to add the EC2 instance to. Shall have format sg-xxxxxxxx.
AWS_SUBNET_ID The id of the VPC subnet to connect the EC2 instance to. Shall have format subnet-xxxxxxxx.
IoT Cloud Access Settings and credentials required to connect an AWS IoT Thing
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM Client (device) certificate
CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM Client (device) private key
IOT_THING_NAME Client (device) name