Arm Virtual Hardware  Version 2.0.0
AVH FVP Infrastructure
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AVH FVPs on AWS Marketplace

Arm provides a ready-to-use Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on AWS Marketplace. This is a Linux Virtual Machine that contains fully operational AVH FVP simulation models, compilers and useful software utilities. It gives a lot of flexibility to integrate the Arm Virtual Hardware in various CI/CD DevOps environments. AMI Inventory gives the full list of resources available on the AVH AMI.

The following sections explain AVH AMI setup and usage in different scenarios:

Subscribe to Arm Virtual Hardware

To use the Arm Virtual Hardware Service you first need an active AWS account. See corresponding AWS tutorial: How do I create and activate a new AWS account?.

From your AWS account subscribe to Arm Virtual Hardware as follows:

  • Open AWS Marketplace and search for Arm Virtual Hardware.
  • Click on Arm Virtual Hardware to open the product page.
  • Click on Continue to Subscribe and then click Accept Terms to activate the subscription.

With the AVH Subscription you can now create and use AVH AMI instances.

System Requirements

EC2 Instance type

c5.large instance type is recommended to run AVH AMI. A different instance type can be also used to improve the performance.