Virtual Hardware  Version 1.3.1 - beta
AVH FVP Models
No Matches

Python environment for Arm FVPs.

Python environment for Arm FVPs.

Arm FVPs require an installation of Python 3.9 for running the Python virtual interfaces. If you are using a Windows machine you can use an embedded Python installation in FVPs root directory, otherwise a system installation is required. Additional Python packages can be added using pip. In case you are using embedded Python installation see section: Install additional packages in embedded Python

Python requirements

The following packages are required on Linux systems (Ubuntu 20.04 and later):

Run the following command to install required packages on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libatomic1 libpython3.9 python3-pip

Install additional packages in embedded Python

By default the embedded Python installation on Windows does not support installation of new packages using pip. To enable installing new packages follow the steps described below.

Known issues