CMSIS-Zone  Version 1.2.0-alpha
System Resource Management
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/azone/partition element

The /azone/partition element contains a list of memory partitions that are created with the CMSIS-Zone utility. These memory partitions are based on parent memory definitions specified by /rzone/resources/memories element.


<memory parent="Flash_NS" name="ROM_NS" offset="0x00000000" size="0x40000" fixed="1" access="rx" info="application code" />
<memory parent="Flash_S" name="ROM_S" offset="0x00040000" size="0x40000" access="x" info="boot code />
<memory parent="SRAM1_NS" name="RAM_NS" offset="0x00000000" size="0x20000" />
<memory parent="SRAM1_S" name="RAM_S" offset="0x00010000" size="0x20000" />


Parent Element Element Chain
azone /azone element
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
memory Defines a new memory sub-region that is related to a parent region in the *.rzone file. complexType 0..*
peripheral Defines a settings for a peripheral. complexType 0..*

/azone/partition/memory element

The /azone/partition/memory element defines a new memory sub-region that is related to a parent region in the *.rzone file.

Parent Element Element Chain
partition /azone/partition element
Attributes Description Type Use
parent The name of the parent region in the related *.rzone file. xs:string required
name The name of a new memory partition. xs:string required
size The physical memory size this block allocates. xs:string required
offset The address offset of this memory partition. If fixed="1" the memory block cannot be re-ordered within the region. xs:string required
access Access permissions for this memory block. AccessType optional
security Security attributes for this memory block. SecurityType optional
privilege Privilege level for this memory block. PrivilegeType optional
startup "1" specifies that this region is used for the startup code of the application. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
fixed "1" indicates a fixed offset within that region. "0" (default) allows to re-arrange the block within the region. xs:boolean optional
uninit "1" specifies that this region is not zero initialized during startup. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
shared "1" specifies that this region is used by multiple zones. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
dma "1" specifies that this region is accessed by a DMA controller. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
info Brief description of the memory block. xs:string optional
linker_control Linker control settings for the memory region. xs:string optional

/azone/partition/peripheral element

The /azone/partition/peripheral element defines settings for a peripheral in a related *.rzone file.

Parent Element Element Chain
partition /azone/partition element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name of the peripheral. The combination group / name must be be unique within a processor (specified by Pname). xs:string required
group The group name of the peripheral. The combination group / name must be be unique within a processor (specified by Pname). xs:string required
start The logical start address of the peripheral in both secure and non-secure mode. xs:string required
start_s The logical start address of the peripheral in secure mode only. xs:string optional
shared "1" specifies that this peripheral group is used by multiple zones. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
dma "1" specifies that this peripheral group is accessed by a DMA controller. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
external "1" specifies that this peripheral is provided by an external component that is not part of the device. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
access Access permissions for this peripheral. AccessType optional
security Security attributes for this peripheral. SecurityType optional
privilege Privilege level for this peripheral. PrivilegeType optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
slot Defines a settings for a slot. complexType 0..*

/azone/partition/peripheral/slot element

The /azone/partition/peripheral/slot element defines settings for a slot in a related *.rzone file.

Parent Element Element Chain
peripheral /azone/partition/peripheral element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name of the slot. The combination group / peripheral / name must be be unique within a processor (specified by Pname). xs:string required
secure Overwrites the setting of the secure attribute in the *.rzone file. xs:boolean optional
privilege Overwrites the setting of the privilege attribute in the *.rzone file. xs:boolean optional