CMSIS-Zone  Version 1.2.0-alpha
System Resource Management
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/azone element

The /azone element element is the root element of the .azone file which stores partitioning of the system or the configuration of a MPU.

Parent Element Element Chain
root Document root
Attributes Description Type Use
schemaVersion CMSIS-Zone schema version used for describing the azone file. VersionType required
xmlns:xs Is set to: "" to indicate compliance to the XML format. xs:string required
xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation File name of the schema file. For example, "azone.xsd". xs:string required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
rzone Reference to rzone file RZoneType 0..1
configure Control the operation of the CMSIS-Zone utility ConfigureType 0..1
partition Partition information for memory block splits RegionsType 0..1
zones Zone assignments of processor, memory, and peripheral resources ZonesType 0..1