CMSIS-Zone  Version 1.2.0-alpha
System Resource Management
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/azone/zones element

The /azone/zones element contains all zone definitions.


<zone name="Network">
<assign region="RAM1" block="Network" access="rw"/>
<assign group="UART" peripheral="USART0" access="rw" />


Parent Element Element Chain
azone /azone element
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
zone Zone definitions complexType 1..*

/azone/zones/zone element

The /azone/zones/zone element defines the name of a zone.

Parent Element Element Chain
zones /azone/zones element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The unique name for this zone. xs:string required
info Brief description of the zone. xs:string optional
Pname The processor that can access the memory and peripherals of this zone. If omitted all processors of the system have access. xs:string optional
security Security level for code execution in this zone. SecurityType optional
privilege Privilege level for code execution in this zone. PrivilegeType optional
class Class information for execution zones. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
assign Resource Assignments complexType 1..*

/azone/zones/zone/assign element

The /azone/zones/zone/assign element defines the resource assignments of that zone.

Parent Element Element Chain
zone /azone/zones/zone element
Attributes Description Type Use
memory Name of a memory region or memory partition. xs:string optional
group Name of a peripheral group. xs:string optional
peripheral Name of a peripheral. xs:string optional
access Access permissions for this assignment. AccessType optional
Pname The processor that can access this assignment. If omitted the processors of the zone have access. xs:string optional
security Security attributes for this assignment. SecurityType optional
privilege Privilege level for this assignment. PrivilegeType optional
uninit "1" specifies that this region is not zero initialized during startup. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
dma "1" specifies that this region is accessed by a DMA controller. Default value is "0". xs:boolean optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
interrupt Interrupt assignments for peripherals. complexType 0..*

/azone/zones/zone/assign/interrupt element

The /azone/zones/zone/assign/interrupt element defines the interrupt execution for a peripheral.

Parent Element Element Chain
assign /azone/zones/zone/assign element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name of the interrupt. xs:string required
value The interrupt number. xs:string required
info Brief description for this setting. xs:string optional
security Security setting for the interrupt. SecurityType optional
privilege Privilege level setting for the interrupt. PrivilegeType optional