Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
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CMSIS Software Pack

The CMSIS Base Components are actively maintained in the CMSIS 6 GitHub repository and are released together in the CMSIS pack that follows the Open-CMSIS-Pack format.

The table below shows the high-level structure of the ARM::CMSIS pack. Details about component folders can be found in the referenced component documentations.

File/Directory Content
📂 CMSIS CMSIS Base software components folder
┣ 📂 Core Processor files for the CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M)
┣ 📂 Core_A Processor files for the CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A)
┣ 📂 Documentation A local copy of this documentation
┣ 📂 Driver API header files and template implementations for the CMSIS-Driver
┗ 📂 RTOS2 API header files and OS tick implementations for the CMSIS-RTOS2
📄 ARM.CMSIS.pdsc Package description file in CMSIS-Pack format
📄 LICENSE CMSIS License Agreement (Apache 2.0)

Section CMSIS Components provides links to CMSIS packs and repositories of other CMSIS components that are delivered separately and are not part of ARM::CMSIS pack.