CMSIS-RTOS2   Version 2.3.0
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Flags Functions Error Codes

Constants used by Thread Flags and Event Flags to return error codes. More...


#define osFlagsErrorUnknown   0xFFFFFFFFU
 osError (-1).
#define osFlagsErrorTimeout   0xFFFFFFFEU
 osErrorTimeout (-2).
#define osFlagsErrorResource   0xFFFFFFFDU
 osErrorResource (-3).
#define osFlagsErrorParameter   0xFFFFFFFCU
 osErrorParameter (-4).
#define osFlagsErrorISR   0xFFFFFFFAU
 osErrorISR (-6).


Constants used by Thread Flags and Event Flags to return error codes.

In case of an error, flags functions (Thread Flags and Event Flags) return error codes. To indicate that an error has occurred, the highest bit of the return value is be set. You can check the exact error using the codes shown below.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ osFlagsErrorUnknown

#define osFlagsErrorUnknown   0xFFFFFFFFU

osError (-1).

Generic error. It is returned when no other error can be applied.


◆ osFlagsErrorTimeout

#define osFlagsErrorTimeout   0xFFFFFFFEU

osErrorTimeout (-2).

This error is returned if a timeout was specified and the specified flags were not set, when the timeout occurred.


◆ osFlagsErrorResource

#define osFlagsErrorResource   0xFFFFFFFDU

osErrorResource (-3).

This error is returned when you try to get a flag that was not set and timeout 0 was specified. Is also returned when the specified object identifier is corrupt or invalid.


◆ osFlagsErrorParameter

#define osFlagsErrorParameter   0xFFFFFFFCU

osErrorParameter (-4).

This error is returned when a given parameter is wrong.


◆ osFlagsErrorISR

#define osFlagsErrorISR   0xFFFFFFFAU

osErrorISR (-6).

This error is returned when a non-ISR-callable function was called from an ISR.
