►CMSIS-DAP Firmware Configuration | Interface functions and configuration parameters for CMSIS-DAP firmware |
CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit Information | |
CMSIS-DAP Hardware I/O Pin Access | |
CMSIS-DAP Hardware Status LEDs | |
CMSIS-DAP Timestamp | |
CMSIS-DAP Initialization | |
►CMSIS-DAP Commands | Commands between a CMSIS-DAP debug probe and a host computer |
►General Commands | Information and Control commands for the CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit |
DAP_Info | Get Information about CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit |
DAP_HostStatus | |
DAP_Connect | Connect to Device and selected DAP mode |
DAP_Disconnect | Disconnect from active Debug Port |
DAP_WriteABORT | Write ABORT Register |
DAP_Delay | Wait for specified delay |
DAP_ResetTarget | Reset Target with Device specific sequence |
►Common SWD/JTAG Commands | Set SWD/JTAG clock and control/monitor SWD/JTAG I/O pins |
DAP_SWJ_Pins | Control and monitor SWD/JTAG Pins |
DAP_SWJ_Clock | Select SWD/JTAG Clock |
DAP_SWJ_Sequence | Generate SWJ sequence SWDIO/TMS @SWCLK/TCK |
►SWD Commands | Configure the parameters for SWD mode |
DAP_SWD_Configure | Configure SWD Protocol |
DAP_SWD_Sequence | Generate SWD sequence and output on SWDIO or capture input from SWDIO data |
►SWO Commands | Configure the parameters for SWO mode |
DAP_SWO_Transport | Set SWO transport mode |
DAP_SWO_Mode | Set SWO capture mode |
DAP_SWO_Baudrate | Set SWO baudrate |
DAP_SWO_Control | Control SWO trace data capture |
DAP_SWO_Status | Read SWO trace status |
DAP_SWO_ExtendedStatus | Read SWO trace extended status |
DAP_SWO_Data | Read SWO trace data |
►JTAG Commands | Detect and configure the JTAG device chain |
DAP_JTAG_Sequence | Generate JTAG sequence TMS, TDI and capture TDO |
DAP_JTAG_Configure | Configure JTAG Chain |
►Transfer Commands | Read and Writes to CoreSight registers |
DAP_TransferConfigure | Configure Transfers |
DAP_Transfer | Read/write single and multiple registers |
DAP_TransferBlock | Read/Write a block of data from/to a single register |
DAP_TransferAbort | Abort current Transfer |
►Atomic Commands | Execute atomic commands |
DAP_ExecuteCommands | Execute multiple DAP commands from a single packet |
DAP_QueueCommands | Queue multiple DAP commands provided in a multiple packets |
►UART COM Commands | Target communication via extra UART |
DAP_UART_Transport | Set UART transport mode |
DAP_UART_Configure | Set UART configuration |
DAP_UART_Control | Control UART data receive and transmit |
DAP_UART_Status | Get UART status |
DAP_UART_Transfer | Transfer data via UART |
Response Status | Status Information in Response Data |
CMSIS-DAP Vendor Commands | Extend CMSIS-DAP firmware with commands |