CMSIS-Driver   Version 2.10.0
Peripheral Interface for Middleware and Application Code
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Ethernet PHY Interface

Driver API for Ethernet PHY Peripheral (Driver_ETH_PHY.h) More...


 Ethernet PHY Mode
 Specify operation modes of the Ethernet PHY interface.

Data Structures

 Access structure of the Ethernet PHY Driver. More...


typedef int32_t(* ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t) (uint8_t phy_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t *data)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Read : Read Ethernet PHY Register.
typedef int32_t(* ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t) (uint8_t phy_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t data)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Write : Write Ethernet PHY Register.


 Get driver version.
int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize (ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t fn_read, ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t fn_write)
 Initialize Ethernet PHY Device.
int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize (void)
 De-initialize Ethernet PHY Device.
int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl (ARM_POWER_STATE state)
 Control Ethernet PHY Device Power.
int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface (uint32_t interface)
 Set Ethernet Media Interface.
int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode (uint32_t mode)
 Set Ethernet PHY Device Operation mode.
 Get Ethernet PHY Device Link state.
 Get Ethernet PHY Device Link information.


Driver API for Ethernet PHY Peripheral (Driver_ETH_PHY.h)

The following section describes the Ethernet PHY Interface as defined in the Driver_ETH_PHY.h header file.

The Driver_ETH_PHY.h contains two #defines that are used to configure the connection between the PHY and the microcontroller device:

Usually, the Serial Management Interface (SMI) (using MDC and MDIO) is used to access the PHY’s internal registers to read the state of the link (up/down), duplex mode, speed, and to restart auto-negotiation etc. SMI is a serial bus, which allows to connect up to 32 devices. Devices on the bus are accessed using a 5-bit device address. A default device address is hardware configurable by pin-strapping on the device (some pins are sampled when a reset is asserted or at power-up).

The device’s internal weak pull-up or pull-down resistors define a default device address. This address can be changed by connecting strong pull-up or pull-down resistors externally. In this case, the ETH_PHY_ADDR needs to be defined by the user.

If a microcontroller device offers more than one Ethernet PHY driver, the user needs to set the correct ETH_PHY_NUM in his application.

Data Structure Documentation



Access structure of the Ethernet PHY Driver.

The functions of the Ethernet PHY are accessed by function pointers exposed by this structure. Refer to Common Driver Functions for overview information.

Each instance of an Ethernet PHY provides such an access struct. The instance is identified by a postfix number in the symbol name of the access struct, for example:

  • Driver_ETH_PHY0 is the name of the access struct of the first instance (no. 0).
  • Driver_ETH_PHY1 is the name of the access struct of the second instance (no. 1).

A configuration setting in the middleware allows connecting the middleware to a specific driver instance Driver_ETH_PHYn. The default is 0, which connects a middleware to the first instance of a driver.

Data Fields

ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetVersion : Get driver version.
int32_t(* Initialize )(ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t fn_read, ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t fn_write)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize : Initialize PHY Device.
int32_t(* Uninitialize )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize : De-initialize PHY Device.
int32_t(* PowerControl )(ARM_POWER_STATE state)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl : Control PHY Device Power.
int32_t(* SetInterface )(uint32_t interface)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface : Set Ethernet Media Interface.
int32_t(* SetMode )(uint32_t mode)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode : Set Ethernet PHY Device Operation mode.
ARM_ETH_LINK_STATE(* GetLinkState )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkState : Get Ethernet PHY Device Link state.
ARM_ETH_LINK_INFO(* GetLinkInfo )(void)
 Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkInfo : Get Ethernet PHY Device Link information.

Field Documentation

◆ GetVersion

ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion) (void)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetVersion : Get driver version.

◆ Initialize

int32_t(* Initialize) (ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t fn_read, ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t fn_write)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize : Initialize PHY Device.

◆ Uninitialize

int32_t(* Uninitialize) (void)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize : De-initialize PHY Device.

◆ PowerControl

int32_t(* PowerControl) (ARM_POWER_STATE state)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl : Control PHY Device Power.

◆ SetInterface

int32_t(* SetInterface) (uint32_t interface)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface : Set Ethernet Media Interface.

◆ SetMode

int32_t(* SetMode) (uint32_t mode)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode : Set Ethernet PHY Device Operation mode.

◆ GetLinkState

ARM_ETH_LINK_STATE(* GetLinkState) (void)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkState : Get Ethernet PHY Device Link state.

◆ GetLinkInfo

ARM_ETH_LINK_INFO(* GetLinkInfo) (void)

Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkInfo : Get Ethernet PHY Device Link information.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t


Pointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Read : Read Ethernet PHY Register.

Provides the typedef for the register read function ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Read.

Parameter for:

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t


Pointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Write : Write Ethernet PHY Register.

Provides the typedef for the register write function ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Write.

Parameter for:

Function Documentation

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_GetVersion()


Get driver version.


The function ARM_ETH_PHY_GetVersion returns version information of the driver implementation in ARM_DRIVER_VERSION

  • API version is the version of the CMSIS-Driver specification used to implement this driver.
  • Driver version is source code version of the actual driver implementation.


void setup_ethernet_phy (void) {
drv_info = &Driver_ETH_PHY0;
version = drv_info->GetVersion ();
if (version.api < 0x10A) { // requires at minimum API version 1.10 or higher
// error handling
uint16_t api
API version.
Definition: Driver_Common.h:47
Driver Version.
Definition: Driver_Common.h:46
ARM_DRIVER_VERSION(* GetVersion)(void)
Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_GetVersion : Get driver version.
Definition: Driver_ETH_PHY.h:128
Access structure of the Ethernet PHY Driver.
Definition: Driver_ETH_PHY.h:127

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize()

int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize ( ARM_ETH_PHY_Read_t  fn_read,
ARM_ETH_PHY_Write_t  fn_write 

Initialize Ethernet PHY Device.

[in]fn_readPointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Read
[in]fn_writePointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_PHY_Write
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize initializes the Ethernet PHY interface. It is called when the middleware component starts operation.

The ARM_ETH_PHY_Initialize function performs the following operations:


◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize()

int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize ( void  )

De-initialize Ethernet PHY Device.

Status Error Codes

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_Uninitialize de-initializes the resources of Ethernet PHY interface.

It is called when the middleware component stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface.

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl()

int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl ( ARM_POWER_STATE  state)

Control Ethernet PHY Device Power.

[in]statePower state
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_PowerControl operates the power modes of the Ethernet PHY interface.

The parameter state sets the operation and can have the following values:

  • ARM_POWER_FULL : set-up peripheral for data transfers, enable interrupts (NVIC) and optionally DMA. Can be called multiple times. If the peripheral is already in this mode the function performs no operation and returns with ARM_DRIVER_OK.
  • ARM_POWER_LOW : may use power saving. Returns ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED when not implemented.
  • ARM_POWER_OFF : terminates any pending data transfers, disables peripheral, disables related interrupts and DMA.

Refer to Function Call Sequence for more information.


◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface()

int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface ( uint32_t  interface)

Set Ethernet Media Interface.

[in]interfaceMedia Interface type
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface specifies the Media Interface Types that links the Ethernet MAC and Ethernet PHY. After initialization of the PHY interface, you can set the media type. The function ARM_ETH_MAC_GetCapabilities retrieves the media interface type encoded in the data field media_interface of the structure ARM_ETH_MAC_CAPABILITIES.

The parameter interface can have the following values:

Parameter interface Media Type
ARM_ETH_INTERFACE_MII Media Independent Interface (MII)
ARM_ETH_INTERFACE_RMII Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII)
ARM_ETH_INTERFACE_SMII Serial Media Independent Interface (SMII);
Some interface values may be unsupported by a driver implementation. For example ARM_ETH_INTERFACE_SMII may return ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED.


static ARM_ETH_MAC_CAPABILITIES capabilities;
static ARM_DRIVER_ETH_MAC *mac;
static ARM_DRIVER_ETH_PHY *phy;
mac = &Driver_ETH_MAC0;
phy = &Driver_ETH_PHY0;
// Initialize Media Access Controller
capabilities = mac->GetCapabilities ();
status = phy->SetInterface (capabilities.media_interface);
if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) ... // error handling
if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) ... // error handling
uint32_t media_interface
Ethernet Media Interface type.
Definition: Driver_ETH_MAC.h:272
ARM_ETH_MAC_CAPABILITIES(* GetCapabilities)(void)
Pointer to ARM_ETH_MAC_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.
Definition: Driver_ETH_MAC.h:287
Access structure of the Ethernet MAC Driver.
Definition: Driver_ETH_MAC.h:285
Ethernet MAC Capabilities.
Definition: Driver_ETH_MAC.h:261
int32_t(* SetMode)(uint32_t mode)
Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode : Set Ethernet PHY Device Operation mode.
Definition: Driver_ETH_PHY.h:134
int32_t(* SetInterface)(uint32_t interface)
Pointer to ARM_ETH_PHY_SetInterface : Set Ethernet Media Interface.
Definition: Driver_ETH_PHY.h:133
Auto Negotiation mode.
Operation succeeded.

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode()

int32_t ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode ( uint32_t  mode)

Set Ethernet PHY Device Operation mode.

[in]modeOperation Mode
Status Error Codes

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_SetMode sets the operation mode parameters for the Ethernet PHY.

The table below lists the possible values for the parameter mode. Values from different categories can be ORed as shown in this example code:

Loop-back test mode.
Half duplex link.
#define ARM_ETH_PHY_SPEED_100M
100 Mbps link speed

Parameter mode bit Category Description
ARM_ETH_PHY_SPEED_10M 0..1 Link Speed Set the link speed to 10 [Mbps]
ARM_ETH_PHY_SPEED_100M Set the link speed to 100 [Mbps]
ARM_ETH_PHY_SPEED_1G Set the link speed to 1 [Gbps]
ARM_ETH_PHY_DUPLEX_HALF 2 Link Mode Set the link mode to half duplex
ARM_ETH_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL Set the link mode to full duplex
ARM_ETH_PHY_AUTO_NEGOTIATE 3 Autonegotiation Set the interface to Auto Negotiation mode of transmission parameters
ARM_ETH_PHY_LOOPBACK 4 Loopback Set the interface into a Loop-back test mode
ARM_ETH_PHY_ISOLATE 5 Isolation Set to indicate electrical isolation of PHY interface from MII/RMII interface
Some settings may be also taken from configuration pins (example ARM_ETH_PHY_ISOLATE). Check the effect of mode settings in the actual driver implementation.
Some mode values may be unsupported by a driver implementation. For example ARM_ETH_PHY_SPEED_1G may return ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED.


static ARM_ETH_MAC_CAPABILITIES capabilities;
static ARM_DRIVER_ETH_MAC *mac;
static ARM_DRIVER_ETH_PHY *phy;
mac = &Driver_ETH_MAC0;
phy = &Driver_ETH_PHY0;
// Initialize Media Access Controller
capabilities = mac->GetCapabilities ();
status = phy->SetInterface (capabilities.media_interface);
if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) ... // error handling
if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) ... // error handling
Full duplex link.
Isolate PHY from MII/RMII interface.

◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkState()


Get Ethernet PHY Device Link state.

current link status ARM_ETH_LINK_STATE

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkState retrieves the connection status of the physical Ethernet link.


◆ ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkInfo()


Get Ethernet PHY Device Link information.

current link parameters ARM_ETH_LINK_INFO

The function ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkInfo retrieves information about the current established communication mode (half/full duplex) and communication speed. Information is only valid when link is up (see ARM_ETH_PHY_GetLinkState).
