Arm Virtual Hardware  Version 2.1.0
AVH FVP Models
No Matches
Useful Hints and Tips

Below are some useful tips for using FVP models in common AVH scenarios:

Terminal output and logging

Application can use following options for printing information to a console:


The application firmware can use UART channels available in the FVP model to print out information, with data being forwarded to a Telnet terminal on the PC via a local TCP/IP connection.

This approach is especially beneficial for full-stack applications that also run on real hardware with UART communication and so can keep uniform structure for virtual and real targets.

Below is useful information for using UART I/O on FVP targets:

  • Concept: Using-a-terminal-with-an-FVP and TelnetTerminal explain the concept in details.
  • UART Drivers: CMSIS BSP packs listed in CMSIS-based projects for AVH FVPs contain drivers for UART access on corresponding FVP targets.
  • Retarget to UART: CMSIS-Compiler component implements retargeting of standard output functions, such as printf().
  • FVP parameters: the default values of FVP configuration parameters related to UART and Telnet should already work correctly. Refer to the FVP and Fast Models documentation as well as reference examples for additional information.
  • Windows setup : On Windows you need to enable Telnet, as follows:
    • Open Start > Settings.
    • In the search box, type Turn Windows features on or off and click on the suggested item. The Windows Features dialog opens.
    • Select the Telnet Client check box and click OK. The installation might take several minutes to complete.
  • Linux setup : on Linux both xterm and telnet must be installed and be specified in your PATH.
  • Logging : If a UART output needs to be saved as a log file (for example in CI tests), you can use FVP parameter <board>.<uart>.out_file to specify the log file. For example for UART0 on Corstone-315: msp4_board.UART0.out_file=./log.txt.
    • If displaying the ouput information in an output terminal is not required (for example in CI jobs) you can disable it with FVP configuration parameter <board>.<telnetterminal>.start_telnet. For example for Corsone-315 and UART0: msp4_board.telnetterminal0.start_telnet=0. In this case the output will not be displayed in any terminal, but will be stored into a log file if this is configured accordingly with the out_file parameter.
  • Multiple channels: in complex systems and applications it can be beneficial to separate output into different UART channels and hence terminals, to avoid cluttered messages in a single terminal.
  • Example : AVH-Hello provides a universal example with UART output, covering all AVH FVP targets.

Semihosting I/O

Application can also rely on the semihosting mechanism that enables the code running on an FVP model to direcly use the Input/Output facilities of the host computer. With semihosting we can enable standard C I/O functions, such as printf() and scanf(), to use the host terminal from where the model is started.

Semihosting approach can be useful to quickly enable terminal communication and bypass the complexity of using UART and I/O retargeting. It also helps to achieve a simpler implementation for rather CPU-centric test suites with unit testing, module testings and API testing that need to be run on various CPUs and with different compilers.

Below is useful information for using semihosting for terminal output on FVP targets:

  • Concept: Using semihosting gives a good overview and references about semihosting on Arm targets. It is a part of Arm Development Studio documenation, and contains additional details for that environment.
  • FVP parameters: by default semihosting is disabled in FVPs and needs to be enabled with semihosting-enable configuration parameter on the CPU instance. For example for FVP_Corstone_SSE-3xx as cpu0.semihosting-enable=1 and for FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M4 as armcortexm4ct.semihosting-enable=1.
  • GCC support: special considerations are required when using firmware built with GCC toolchain:
    • you need to set the spec strings file in Linker options as --specs=rdimon.specs to use the semihosted version of the syscalls.
    • when running a project built using GCC and CMSIS, the semihosting implementation can overwrite the memory configuration. To avoid this problem, configure the required values for stack and heap using model parameters, as described in this Knowledge Base Article How do I Avoid Stack Pointer Corruption When Semihosting is Enabled on a GCC Toolchain?.
  • Logging: to store the semihosted output simply redirect the terminal output of the FVP execution to a log file, using standard mechanisms provided by corresponding console, such as tee in Linux or > in bash.
  • Examples:
    • CMSIS-Core Validation project implements tests suite for CMSIS-Core using semihosting-based print outs. FVP configuration file can be found in /Layer/Target folder for respective target, as model-config.txt.
    • CMSIS-FreeRTOS Examples contain simple "hello world" style applications that use semihosting for print-outs.

Semihosting is also required for the following use cases:

Execution in CI frameworks

Chapter Infrastructure explains how AVH FVPs and other related tools can be programatiically installed into various Continuous Integraion (CI) frameworks, such as GitHub. To execute your programs on AVH FVPs in such workflows following is important:

  • Disable GUI visualisation, as it often is not supported by a host and not needed in CI testing:
    • Set FVP configuration parameter <board>.visualisation.disable-visualisation=1 for the board instance on the target FVP. For example for Corstone-315 FVP it should be mps4_board.visualisation.disable-visualisation=1.
    • For targets with HDLCD such as Corstone-315 FVP, additionally disable the visualisation for HDLCD as vis_hdlcd.disable_visualisation=1.
  • Redirect the console outputs to a log file as explained in Terminal output and logging.
  • Ensure the program execution is exited when required by the test. Execution stop explains options for such exit.
  • For simpler implementation a matrix-style job configuration configuration can be used. See for example Running multiple configurations with GitHub Actions.

Execution timing

FVP simulation models are targeted to software development and functional testing, and are not suitable for accurate performance comparisons on the CPU level. However, they can be well used to analyze timing on the program level, such as for scheduling RTOS tasks, detecting deadlocks, but also identifying overall performance trends.

Following mechanisms and settings can be used for timing control and measurements:

  • FVP model can be started with command-line option --stat to print the execution statistics on simulation exit. Here is an example of such statistics output:

    --- cpu_core statistics: ------------------------------------------------------
    Simulated time : 0.651964s
    User time : 0.843750s
    System time : 0.109375s
    Wall time : 1.503559s
    Performance index : 0.43
    cpu_core.cpu0 : 68.40 MIPS ( 65196784 Inst)

    Also see section Displaying the total execution time in the Fast Models User Guide.

  • CMSIS-View utility can be used to measure and analyze timing between events in the program, including statistical data. To store the log files on FVPs, semihosting shall be enabled. CMSIS-View annotations can also be reused for event analysis and time measurement on real hardware.
  • Model Configuration parameters can be used to control and impact the execution timing:
    • With Cycle Per Instruction (CPI) settings cpi_div and cpi_mul.
    • With clock configurations such as Clock Rate Multiplier, for example core_clk.mul on Corstone-300.
    • With pipeline-impacting parameters such as for memory caches, Floating-Point-Unit (FPU) or M-Profile Vector Extensions (MVE), etc.
    Chapter Timing Annotations in the Fast Models User Guide explains the performance estimation concept as implemented in the underlying FastModels technology. Note that the FVPs are built with Timing Annotations enabled (FASTSIM_DISABLE_TA set to 0).

For interaction with external world such as via Virtual Streaming Interface (VSI) or Semihosting I/O the timing differences need to be taken into account as explain in Timing-considerations-for-FVPs.

Execution stop

Embedded applications typically run with an infinite loop that ensures continuous program execution. But for executing regression tests as part of Continuous Integration (CI) workflows it is often required that program execution is stopped after a test is completed, so that the next test can be started.

FVP command line options --cpulimit, --cyclelimit, --timelimit and --simlimit can be used to stop execution after specified activity time, for example, for 20 wall-clock seconds, use --timelimit 20. See FVP command line options for more details.

FVP models have shutdown_on_eot parameter that enables simple implementation of program exit. The parameter should be set in the Model Configuration, for example for FPV_Corstone_SSE-300:

mps3_board.uart0.shutdown_on_eot=1 # (bool, init-time) default = '0' : Shutdown simulation when a EOT (ASCII 4) char is transmitted (useful for regression tests when semihosting is not available)

And then to trigger the shutdown, a EOT (ASCII 4) symbol can be transmitted to the corresponding serial interface from the program. The code below demonstrates an example, where the execution is stopped after target execution count is achieved. In this implementation the STDIO is assumed to be retargeted to the UART0:

while (1) {
printf ("Hello World %d\r\n", count);
if (count > 100) printf ("\x04"); // EOT (0x04) stops simulation
osDelay (1000);